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Very nice work... I was quickly scrolling down and saw the orange 20mm cans and thought "that looks like a 2-70 tank, I wonder who else is doing one." I then realized that it was your build... Are you going put a row of 7.62 cans (10-12of 'em) along the top of the turret box lids??? I know that D Company did that but not sure if B Company also had the coax ammo stored in that manner.
Hey John,
yeah, those orange 20mm cans were something I picked up from some close examination of a few photos. They can barely be seen, but the orange really stands out, even in the distance!
As far as the ammo, from the few B co pics I got, it doesnt appear that they did that...but ill ask the crews Im in touch with anyway, as my pics may be of pre/post combat and not fully loaded. It would be a nice detail.
there does seem to be some SOP on stowage though...everybody had the stowage tubes on right, cots on left, spare track, one spare roadwheel on top, and usual pile of packs and such in the bussle rack. Orange IFF panel on top somewhere.
Jeremy....not much really to the build. It actully turned out easier than expected. Just a few tweeks (which you see here) to make it a M1A1. Remember this build is for a upcomming book, so I dont want to give away ALL my photos. I have to keep a few for the book!