1⁄35SKP Humber Scout Mk.I
From the outbreak of the Second World War, the British Army already had the tried and tested Daimler Dingo within its ranks. However, Daimler alone could not meet the demand for reconnaissance vehicles and so other companies were approached to produce a vehicle with similar range and capabilities. One of these companies was the Midlands based Rootes Group, parent company for names such as Talbot and Singer, who in 1942 had built a vehicle similar to the Dingo only slightly larger and heavier, the Scout. Production of the Scout continued until 1945 by which time at least 4,298 were made. 1,698 of these were Mk. Is with the remainder of the production being Mk. IIs with an improved transmission system. The Scout was a two-man vehicle and armed with 7.7mm Bren light machine guns mounted on a Parrish-Lakeman cradle located on the roof. I first saw this model on a kit-building forum and was attracted by its unusual looks and diverse application in the field. The company distributing it are a Czech based company called SKP which only has a few products in their catalog as a newcomer manufacturer but offers things a little different from the main players such as the Scout.Getting Started
On opening the box I was greeted with two frames of light grey plastic, a detailed color booklet, dry transfers with three vehicle options and a small photo etch sheet from Eduard. The kit itself is cast fairly well though there is still room for improvement. All the major detail was present and correct and the plastic itself is very strong, similar in density in fact to a Tamiya kit though there was a lot of tags and flash from the molding process. I appreciate that the shape and angles of the Scout does make SKP’s job of casting it a hard one, but I think they have tackled the subject very confidently and competently although it would've been appreciated if they'd cast part numbers onto the sprue to make identification easier.
From the outset there were a few fitting problems. I would have to say this kit is not for beginners due to the amount of filling and sanding that is required to achieve a decent finish between parts. I spent a lot of time test-fitting each piece before glueing, in particular with the main chassis where I found most of the problems. On the plus side, I liked the fact that much of the surface detail, such as hatches and panels, are glued on afterward. This meant that I had a flat surface to work on without having to worry about sanding a corner off a door hatch and could achieve nice crisp corners. I had to be careful and not leave gaps around the applied detail that normally would be cast as one piece. I overcame this with the aid of great patience and a bottle of Mr Surfacer 1000 applied with a small sponge around the problem areas. The surface texture on the model was some of the best I’ve seen, so it was a shame to loose some of that with the Mr surfacer and sanding process, but you can’t have everything! Depsite this, the main body of the kit went together very quickly. After two night's hard work, I had the basic construction of the hull and undercarriage completed. Extra care had to be taken when fitting the independent hatches onto the hull to make sure that they were not stuck on at an angle. I achieved this by forming a little handle made of bluetac onto the outer surface of the hatch, making gluing them a lot easier. The axle assembly was a more complicated affair with certain parts requiring some scratch building and drilling, further emphasizing the fact that this is not a beginner’s kit. Some of these parts could have been cast without the need for modification by the builder but weren't. In addition, the kit requires bending wire around the axle to form a mounting bracket. While this offers greater authenticity and detail in the end, no wire is supplied in the kit and no plastic alternative is offered. By looking closely at reference pictures, I added a few panels here and there which were omitted from the kit itself. These were recreated with thin styrene sheet for the panels and rod for the bolt heads. I wanted to try and create an accurate depiction of the Scout which meant a few parts needed to be altered. Areas such as the headlights received extra attention as well since some of the parts were simplified in the molding process. I enjoyed the researching for the proper appearance of the item and getting down to some scratch building to add to the base kit in an attempt to improve in this area.Comments
A quick search on Google pulled up this listing at Jadar Hobby in Poland:
Or you can order directly from SKP via their website:
APR 20, 2007 - 09:29 PM
A very nice job on an iffy model. I think that I'll wait for the Bronco model.
APR 20, 2007 - 09:56 PM
Thanks for the support guys. i will be submitting more very soon. This is my first feature article and the support and patience that Bill has shown me is very welcoming.
Thanks to Bill and Jim, you really are legends!
APR 20, 2007 - 10:27 PM
First of all Stuart, you really have done a superb feature. It's also interesting that you've come to exactly the same conclusions as those of us who did the initial reviews on it. It's great to see the Scout Cars getting covered, but SKP do really need to improve aspects of their design and production.
It's also reassuring to see that you discovered the same need for filler as I did
I'd be interested in getting the details of those additional panels you mentioned - if you could pass them on i'd be very grateful
APR 21, 2007 - 03:34 PM
Good review Stuart. It's good to see new manufacturers tackling vehicles that the major manufacturers are reluctant to/don't want to bother with. Hopefully SKP will improve with experience and be able to do justice to more of these interesting British armoured cars.
APR 21, 2007 - 03:53 PM
Hi Stuart,
Thanks for the build review, nice work on the kit.
Just a word of caution when ordering from SKP. I ordered one plus some figs before the production run had gotten underway.
As I don't use paypal, I sent the money registered mail (always risky but.....)
Anyway so far no kit, but what's more worrying is that having sent them the registered letter number and several follow up emails to see if ti had arrived after the initial welcome and prompt replies I had received when placing the order - nothing!!!!!
I can claim the £20.00 back from the Post Office, so I'm not too brothered about that but I was surprised and then annoyed that they didn't bother to respond to my requests for an update This has been running for several weeks now and I sent off another email last night - I'll just have to wait for the Bronco one lol, lol.
APR 21, 2007 - 05:16 PM
Jim Rae
Thanks for the comments. I think in a bizarre way, I enjoyed the kit more because of it's flaws. gave it a bit of character and I felt I needed the practice with filler.
Here is a little back story to the additional panels.
Here you can see in white the front bulkhead plate which was omited from the kit. Also I remade the headlamp holders. Both pieces were simply made out of styrene sheet and rod for the bolt heads.
For more pictures like this head on down to Google on the link below for a plethora of exanples!
Be lucky and thanks again for the support

APR 21, 2007 - 11:16 PM
Hi Guys,
Just an update from my prevous post. I heard from SKP today. They have very kindly offered to make good the order if I send them a copy of the original resistration receipt.
I have to say that's very decent of them indeed, so I might get this one yet.
Thanks Janet.
APR 23, 2007 - 10:13 PM
Do it Do it Do it!
There is a new figure as well which I am planning to get. The two british figures are pretty good too and the prices are very reasonable, what you should pay for resin figures.
MAY 01, 2007 - 12:24 AM
Copyright ©2021 by Stuart Taylor. Images and/or videos also by copyright holder unless otherwise noted. The views and opinions expressed herein are solely the views and opinions of the authors and/or contributors to this Web site and do not necessarily represent the views and/or opinions of Armorama, KitMaker Network, or Silver Star Enterrpises. All rights reserved. Originally published on: 2007-04-20 00:00:00. Unique Reads: 12220