Russel, ed, mike--thank you for your kind comments!
I didn't know that that was a dipstick! I just copied it from reference photos! Glad I know what it is now!
Thanks again for all your comments--I'm relatively new here, and it's nice to feel so welcomed and appreciated for my work!
OCT 16, 2007 - 03:42 PM
Hi Henk...thank you for the kind comments as well, and the compliments on the finish. It was done using the "oil dot method" and with pastels and powders, as well as post-shading, etc...a whole catalogue of techniques that I've picked up on this and other sites! Amazing it is, what you can learn here in the company of all these great modelers here!
The interior and engine were both Verlinden--and both were truly buggers to work into the kit! The major problem was that neither was designed to be used with the other! You can see in this photo that I had to cut and separate all the engine pieces from what was essentially a "drop-in" engine. In the second shot you can see the final result of weathering and additional detailing--a lot of added hoses, wires, and tubings and boxes on the wall, too. The interior was also heavily corrected, most notably the ammo stowage which Verlinden had waaaaay wrong! (Shells in upside-down pairs?!) All the racks were scratchbuilt, as was much of the radio apparatus. All the small details were added too, as the old Verlinden interior (for the old Italeri kit) was pretty basic. Thanks again for your compliments!

OCT 16, 2007 - 04:09 PM
Your tank is looking very real, and you done a great job on weathering
Bravo Karl!
By from Gregor
OCT 16, 2007 - 07:04 PM
Thanks so much Gregor! I appreciate the compliment! I learned most of how to weather so realistically form all the great modelers on this site and others!
OCT 17, 2007 - 09:51 AM
Great job on this one, Karl! The interior and the engine is superb done.
Thanks for sharing
OCT 19, 2007 - 12:33 AM
Great Job karl!
An excellent Hetzer for sure, and a very impressive amount of work has obviously gone into it! The base and figure are also excellent, but I have one question...
What is the radioactive green gunge by the barrels and debris supposed to be? It looks a bit bright for my tastes, perhaps you'd care to elaborate?!
Great job all the same,
OCT 19, 2007 - 02:11 AM
Hey, thanks James!!!....the green sludge is, I suppose, antifreeze, but could be any type of strange industrial chemical. I didn't really have a definite idea, like "...ok and here will be the antifreeze leak..." as if it was integrel to the storyline or anything.
It just provides a little visual "eye candy"; just a nice bright dash of color in the otherwise muted tones. And maybe just the fact that it's brought you to remark on it and question what it is is enough justification for its being there...?
Thanks again for taking the time to comment!
OCT 19, 2007 - 02:51 AM
Fair enough mate, as good a reason as any!
Great work as I said.
OCT 19, 2007 - 03:02 AM
Congrats on your win Karl! I really enjoy models with interior and engine detailing, and you pulled this off superbly! Super job!
OCT 19, 2007 - 03:21 AM
Excellent Karl. Love the interior (have both myself, so the tips are appreciated) and the weathering. In fact excellent all round, as the base and figure are top notch as well. That rusted barrell ... the colours are perfect. Nice one.
OCT 19, 2007 - 09:37 AM
Copyright ©2021 by Karl Logan. Images and/or videos also by copyright holder unless otherwise noted. The views and opinions expressed herein are solely the views and opinions of the authors and/or contributors to this Web site and do not necessarily represent the views and/or opinions of Armorama, KitMaker Network, or Silver Star Enterrpises. All rights reserved. Originally published on: 2007-10-17 00:00:00. Unique Reads: 12379