1⁄35Panther D in Transit
That's a cracking job, Bill.
Lovely finish all round, and some great attention to detail.
One minor niggle (if I may): You appear to have taken the gravel right around both ends of the track section, leaving you with a piece of track all on its lonesome, rather than giving the illusion of it being part of a continuous railway line. That's the only criticism I'd level at it. Otherwise - superb work.
- Steve
MAR 30, 2010 - 03:46 AM
Steve, thanks, that's a good point. I didn't come up with a way of creating the illusion of continuous track (and my wife said if I put in a length of railway in the basement to replicate reality I'd be sleeping on the sofa from now on! ).
The Dragon track & embankment set that was included with the flat car is identical, I just scrapped the styrene embankment and created my own with styrofoam and gravel.
MAR 30, 2010 - 04:05 AM
Very nice build, Bill.
Only the muzzle brake cover seems a little tight, but that is a very small thing.
Great small diorama with great details overall, but especially on the base and the stowage which are realistically tied down.
Thanks for sharing your great job
APR 08, 2010 - 11:39 PM
Very nice! I agree with Jesper, the muzzle cover looks tight, although, if he hadn't mentioned it, I probably would not have noticed. My question is would a real tow cable be flexible enough to wrap around the block the way yours is? I don't know, just asking. Again, very nice work!
APR 09, 2010 - 12:11 AM
The resin muzzle brake covers from Tank Workshop, for example, are quite different, but I preferred to make my own.
Perhaps I should thicken it?
I saw a photo of a cable wrapped around the jack block like that, but I'm not sure if it was from reality or another model.

APR 09, 2010 - 04:18 AM
Very nice work Bill. Good to see something out of the ordinary.
What kit is the rail car?
MAY 14, 2010 - 03:29 AM
well, if it has been bumped:
A very nice build Bill! looks very realistic.
in re. of the muzzle cover, we used to try and get it as tight as possible so no dirt could enter, so I think it's OK.
MAY 14, 2010 - 03:39 AM
Bill, very nice dio. The details and weathering are amazing...Vince
MAY 14, 2010 - 04:15 AM
Very nice work Bill, it looks very realistic.
I built the same flatcar with the Pak 43 that was entered in the DOM contest lat month. I used railroad ballast and cut my own wood base since I was not happy with the d one included. I thought that Dragon re-issued this flatcar recently, and believe I saw it on Sprue Brothers. I would like to see Dragon come out with the 6 axle car so I can put a Tiger on one.
MAY 14, 2010 - 05:04 AM
Thanks, Ernie. I'm sure the moment I order the Tank Workshop 6-axle car, DML will announce theirs, LOL!
And congrats on the DMOM!
Thanks everyone, I'm glad it pleases you. It's the old DML car.
MAY 14, 2010 - 05:31 PM
Copyright ©2021 by Bill Cross. Images and/or videos also by copyright holder unless otherwise noted. The views and opinions expressed herein are solely the views and opinions of the authors and/or contributors to this Web site and do not necessarily represent the views and/or opinions of Armorama, KitMaker Network, or Silver Star Enterrpises. All rights reserved. Originally published on: 2010-03-29 00:00:00. Unique Reads: 19322