24th Maquettexpo 2014
The 24th Maquettexpo 2014 was held in the town of Hyeres in the south of France on the 11th and 12th of October 2014.
The yearly show is held by the by the “Association Maquettiste Varoise” one of the most famous modeling club in France.
The show atmosphere was fun and welcoming with lots of events and celebrations among fellow modelers from all over Europe: France, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, England, Czech Republic, Poland and also from Egypt.
The show featured a modeling competition with 15 different categories and this year’s special theme was “The centennial of the World War”. Both the participating modelers and the show visitors enjoyed shopping the latest model kits and modeling tools offered by around 20 different sellers’ & shop stands and also exchanged model kits among each other on special swap tables where many kits could be found at bargain prices.
Thank you for this photo report; the presentations models is up to the show
OCT 14, 2014 - 10:17 AM
Thanks Hisham, I have met a lot of French scale modelers and some of them asked me about you.
it was indeed a crazy thing to have taken my models on the plane to France but it actually worked with very little damages
They said we should get together and start a club or something and show the people in Egypt this beautiful hobby and start having more people interested in the hobby.
So lets plan for a meeting to discuss it and who knows maybe next year we can go together and exhibit our work.
OCT 14, 2014 - 10:02 PM
Hey Hussein, just saw your post.. things have way of disappearing down the line real quick
It's kind of funny that a modeller in France would ask about me.. but I guess that for a long time I was the only one from Egypt on these forums
Anyway, I'll contact you soon and we'll see what we can arrange
OCT 17, 2014 - 10:11 AM
I would have loved to have been there. Thanks so much Hussein for the fine pictures. A lot of these vehicles I have never seen before. One though is very intriguing. That is pic #16 on page #1. If someone could identify that for me I would be more than grateful.
OCT 18, 2014 - 08:17 AM
Hi Cary
I think the tank in photo 16 is the St Chamond French ww1 tank

OCT 18, 2014 - 08:48 AM
Again I thank you Hussein. She is quite the beauty isn't she? And for those interested, Lucky Model has them in stock. Only 6 left though.
Well, um, I meant 5 left.
OCT 18, 2014 - 08:59 AM
You're welcome Cary
Indeed its quite an unusual and unique tank which stood apart in ww1 in both design and colors.
It has a bit of a futuristic appeal that makes it hard to imagine it came from the same era as the other ww1 primitive tanks.
I was very tempted to buy this kit but historic tanks are not really my thing, i like modern armor better
OCT 18, 2014 - 09:12 AM
I prefer modern armor myself but I'm also drawn to unusual vehicles. Like the minenraumer. Both of these vehicles look like they could be part of an alien invasion.
OCT 19, 2014 - 04:28 AM
Hi Hussein, glad you made ​​this trip with your beautiful dioramas. I wish you many more participations on model shows! Thanks a lot for the images, cheers, Dimitris.
OCT 21, 2014 - 06:43 AM
Copyright ©2021 by Hussein El Kaissy. Images and/or videos also by copyright holder unless otherwise noted. The views and opinions expressed herein are solely the views and opinions of the authors and/or contributors to this Web site and do not necessarily represent the views and/or opinions of Armorama, KitMaker Network, or Silver Star Enterrpises. All rights reserved. Originally published on: 2014-10-14 16:13:33. Unique Reads: 15702