1⁄35Egyptian M110A2
The kit: Italeri M110A2, kit no.291.
The Egyptian M110A2 has been in service since 1996, fitted with a 203 mm cannon. Its range can reach up to 30,000 meters, and with a hydraulic ram for fast reloading, it can reach a rate of fire of 2 to 4 rounds per minute.
The Italeri kit was quite straight forward to assemble, the parts are all a perfect fit and the amount of detail is fairly good. The biggest challenge was fixing the rubber tracks which are a very tight fit and continuously broke the wheels while being assembled. To fix this I used a hot hair dryer on the tracks until they became more flexible, and expanded enough to mount on the wheels.
The entire model measures more than 30 cm when assembled, but most of the length is on the cannon side, so the base used for this M110 was quite small. The figures were taken from several different kits and converted to the new Egyptian Army uniform. I tried to use the figures to add some dynamic character to this rather modest diorama.
Hope you enjoy it! Cheers, Hussein El Kaissy.
Looks pretty good overall. The guy holding the round must really hit the weights, that is a 200 pound round he is casually holding up.
FEB 18, 2015 - 04:16 PM
Wow, I had to check that out, and you're right (of course ) - over 90kg each!! So in reality that device that is folded towards the breech is the hydraulic loader, that rotates to one side and picks up a shell straight from a truck, then swings it up, rotates to centre and lays it on the channel, rams it in, then swings back to the side.
I didn't know that of course... until I watched this.
Still, it is a nice model, and I particularly liked the look of the recoil spade, though I guess it should be dug in a bit deeper.
FEB 19, 2015 - 04:38 AM
I based my diorama on these photos before making it, these guys seem to single handedly carry the M110 shell

FEB 21, 2015 - 09:22 PM
The first two pics are practice rounds. The first is a 203mm trainer which is light. The second one is an inert 155mm round, which weighs only about 100 pounds, and it looks like it is kicking the guy's ass. The last pic is powder cans, which weigh a lot less than 203mm rounds. There are very few people who can hold a 200 pound weight out like that at that height, not for long anyways. That is why the M110 has the hydraulic loader/rammer.
FEB 21, 2015 - 09:31 PM
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