1⁄35M2A3 Bradley BUSK III
The base kit is the M2A3 Bradley BUSK III from MENG, modified to represent the more recent Brads without the add-on armor. Detail-up parts used include PE from ET Model and Voyager, sidewall tie-downs from Eduard and metal tracks from Friulmodel. Turret front CIPs were made with brass sheets, and the commander's armored protection was from MENG's M3A3.
About the tracks: At first Jason wanted to use the belt tracks from Academy's K9 SPH to represent the newly equipped double-pin "big-foot" tracks. The track pads looked OK but the guide teeth are wrong, and he was unable to found or scratchbuild the correct sprocket, so Jason decided to stick with the old single-pin tracks. The Camo scheme is NATO green from Vallejo with the black and brown from Tamiya acrylics.
Very nice work. I like the camouflage. Thank you for sharing and congratulations.
MAR 28, 2016 - 04:26 PM
Excellent Bradley Jason - well done.
I've seen other builds you've done in Scale Military Modeller International magazine and I've been very impressed. Keep it up!
MAR 28, 2016 - 05:12 PM
Looks pretty good. One question though, why would one side have all the lower side skirts turned up, while the other side does not? It shows off the suspension well, but is not realistic at all. Also, did you use the side armor plates from another kit, or did you sand down and rework the kit side armor with the ERA attachment bars?
Additionally, it isn't really an M2A3 BUSK III Bradley. The elements that make it the BUSK III are the addition of the ERA blocks and all the other pieces, which are/were level III of the BUSK set. The gunner's surround and screens on the optics have become standard items on the latest Brads, so it is just a late-model M2A3 IFV.
MAR 28, 2016 - 05:27 PM
Love it! Nice clean build, subtle weathering. Perfect NATO paint job
MAR 29, 2016 - 02:43 AM
Hi Gino
Thank you very much for your reply.
At first, I didn't know the side skirts can be attached upside-down, then i saw this picture,and I decided to make my Brad a little bit different from others.
I used the kit side armor and removed all the ERA attachment bars.
PS:I know its not a BUSK...I dont know how...but this title is not the one of my orignal email...maybe the site-editor changed it

MAR 29, 2016 - 12:39 PM
Yup, I bet the other side has the skirts up too. Great job on removing the ERA bars. You can't even tell you did major surgery on the side skirts. They came out looking great.
MAR 29, 2016 - 05:51 PM
Looks great! I love the side skirts the way you have them. just because this might not be combat feasible doesn't mean that it can't be done. Love it and after seeing so many Bradlys in Desert colors it's nice seeing the good ole nato colors.
MAR 30, 2016 - 03:41 AM
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