EE-T1 Osório: The Lost MBT

References and Links of Interest

Here is a list of usefull sites for a further reading and references:

ArmouredSprue Web Site


EET-2 Osorio

Osório - Russian Site

Decals for Osorio

Osório - Defesanet


©2002 - Text and Model Photos by Paulo R. Castro. Osório photos courtesy of the Brazilian Military. All Rights Reserved.

About the Author

About Paulo R Castro (ArmouredSprue)

I'm a 43 years old modeller originally from Brazil but now living in the beautiful Adelaide South Australia, and I like to build 1/35th military vehicles, both tanks and AFV and jeeps and trucks. I also enjoy building planes in 1/72, most WWII. Feel free to contact me by e-mail: armouredsprue@gmai...


Very nice jim: It gives you a good picture of the model but allows you to be able to continue reading the article. DAGGER-1: "To The Victor, Go The Spoils"
JUN 14, 2002 - 11:40 PM
Jim, I like the new format a lot better.
JUN 15, 2002 - 03:47 AM
Bryan, Thanks! I thought it might help out for the dial-up folks. Which will be me when I am on my trip. I want to add a few more things and eventually have it so anyone could just plug this info in and make an article using a submission form. Kind of like the news and reviews area. Jim
JUN 15, 2002 - 07:51 AM
Well Jim, I'm afraid my article wasn't so popular, at least just a few guys commented it Maybe its due the odd subject...let's see if I hit the target for the next project
JUN 18, 2002 - 03:40 AM
Don't worry Paulo - I liked it and your article style won't be alone. I've almost got mine done too. Jim might decide to leave mine on my site and just link it instead Gunnie
JUN 18, 2002 - 03:53 AM
Paulo, Well I liked it! Don't be too critical of yourself. It's a unique subject matter and I think many people like to read about the more rare kits over time. Besides I am sure many of our Brazilian users will appriciate it! Speaking of them (there are at least 15 users who selected the Brazilian flag in their profile info), they will probably take note once the Portuguese language version is published. Tonight hopefully! Cheers, Jim
JUN 18, 2002 - 04:12 AM
Hey Paulo, Nice article and great photos. Don't think popular is important But I do think anyone building this kit would do well to read your article. As to the format I think it works great. especially if the pic to the right compliments the subject within the article. :-)
JUN 18, 2002 - 04:32 AM
Thanks for the kind words, guys and gal :-) Jim, I was wondering when you gonna put the PT version on the site, I'd like you to include a link like the DISCUSS THIS ARTICLE on the portuguese version also, but directed to the Portuguese forum, you can write it in english and I'll edit it to portuguese... again, thanks a lot for the attention!
JUN 18, 2002 - 04:41 AM
Paulo, Could you go ahead and post the topic there now (or soon) and just remark that it will be posted there tonight? I don't want the final impression to be that I speak Portuguese. I already get lots of users emailing me in Dutch and German now. Then when I upload the article tonight I will reference that post. Thanks, Jim
JUN 18, 2002 - 04:50 AM
Ok JIm, I'm about to put it right now! I'll use the same title as you used in this topic...
JUN 18, 2002 - 05:00 AM