Academy Panther G as Befehlspanther

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This is Academy's Panther G with minor improvements that Cody reviewed earlier on Armorama here Panther G . He replaced the kit track, which had solid guide horns, with Bronco's. The kit was missing a number of parts in the turret such as the poison gas detection panels and they were improvised from Dragon spares. Befehlspanther parts were from Meng's Panther D.

The camouflage pattern is unusual and Cody couldn't really tell from the photo references, but this is what Accion Press' Farbprofile II book thought was the pattern and he followed it.
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About the Author

About Cody K (ctkwok)

I've been building various types of models for almost 20 years, recently started to seriously improve my skills on armor.


A good, credible depiction of a battle-weary Panther. I think that you pretty well nailed it Cody! I really like the wheel & track treatment.
DEC 27, 2019 - 10:51 AM
DEC 27, 2019 - 01:26 PM
You say your working on your armour modellig skills. It looks to me like you don't need to work on them too much more.I can almost smell the exhaust fumes from this big 'cat'. Excellent work sir 👌.
DEC 27, 2019 - 01:34 PM
Thank you and happy new year.
DEC 30, 2019 - 12:40 PM