I am absolutely lovin' your Enigma sir!

And, the fact that it will be appearing in a future issue of
Xtrememodelling magazine is additionally impressive. Your sharing this with all of us before inclusion in said magazine is quite honourific and greatly appreciated by all.
Thx for doing it.
I have built a slightly different configuration of this unique and interesting vehicle and can enjoy some of the 'nuances' along with you if you would allow.....
To mention some of the things of note, I see you manipulated the front fenders and it
looks like the exhaust covers.....I did this as well by embossing thick aluminum foil over the kit fenders/covers and then removing the existing kit parts with a jewelers saw {one of my MOST favourite modeling tools} and replacing with my embossed pieces and bending a little here and there...looks like you did something a wee bit similar? Your result looks great!
And now, just so I can keep it short {don't want to ramble too long

and prove I'm not simply throwin' butter at ya.....I too like your treatment of the aux fuel barrels...your rust is superb, but I just wish they
both weren't rusted
completely, and that at least some of the old original colour had survived and managed to show 'nit'.
Having said that, I hope you don't feel like throwin' goose poop at smells, is ill-coloured, and I've been gettin' covered with it of late........ ;-)
thx for posting.