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Why not adopt them for use in Irag for use against I.E.Ds, and other ambush style weapons. example, running point on convoys.
Like other mine clearing devices the Panther, the various Flail designs and the MCLCs (Mine CLearing Line Charges) are designed for mine _fields_, i.e. a bunch of them in an area that limit tactical mobility of a mechaniised column. They are static defences and are breached by machines that can and do take their time about things. 1-3 mph is common while sweeping. IEDs are, by their nature a) improvised, b) non-standard in their operation and c) employed singly or in very small numbers.
A machine designed for clearing a field of pressure or magnetic mines isn't any good agaist a command detonated car bomb. A single 500lb bomb rigged to a pressure plate in the middle of a farm road can, indeed, be found by a flail or plow or roller system, however your convoy is at significantly more risk if it toodles up the road at 2 MPH behind a flail that completely destroys the road it is sweeping than if it tears up the road at 40 mph to get to the end point as quick as posisble. In local conflicts like this speed is generally a better defence than armour or clearing. Sure, when you get hit, you get hit hard, but the number of ambushes you avoid by speeding to the destination makes you safer than eliminating the possibility that there might be one bomb along a 60 mile route march. Once you start sweeping every square inch of every road along a convoy you can expect the bad guys to start lining up to take shots at your convoy as it takes 30 hours to get 60 miles as opposed to two.
Certainly the flails and the ground penetrating radar vehicles are being used where there are indications that there actually are mines or where there are requirements to positively sweep an area, but you can't use these vehicles to sweep every inch of the entire country or as convoy point or actual combat vehicles. It just doesn't work fast enough to be a better way to protect troops.
Now, you want to be a seriously rich military contractor? Just develop a system that can find and destroy mines and command detonated IEDs at 40 MPH. All the world's militaries will beat a road a mile wide paved with gold to your door.