Nope... not losing it. Model gremlins are real... sometimes (frequently, in my case) taking the form of an 18yo who can't keep from fiddling with models sitting on my workbench, which is right beside the 'puter.

Parts lost? Yep! And then miraculously reappear a day or two later. But the one that drives me, and I mean, really
drives me... is when I have to fix the legs on a machine gun or something like that, that I'm working on for a vignette. ===Rant Ends===
Other than that, oh, yeah, model gremlins are real. They cause the mysterious paint scratches, utterly unexplained missing parts (sometimes from the sealed box!) They're also responsible for your SdKfz suddenly deciding to roll off your workbench while your hands are full working on another delicate part.
But in spite of these gremlins, we keep on modelling, and trying to find ways to foil them before they strike. Chin up, Sean!