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I was enjoying the review of the new photo etched German badges , armbands and such like. Can someone please tell me what glue you would use to attach an armband on a painted figure. As any glue would surely discolour the paint where the armband was to be placed.
What is the best glue for phot-etched parts.
I just posted this elswhere. But to make sure you get it...
I used a few of the cuff titles without a problem. I put some CA on a starting point on the sleeve. (Start at the middle of the PE title, and work towards both ends. It is easier to get centered that way.) Just glue about 1-2mm at a time. I pushed it down with a soft pencil eraser to get it to conform to the valleys and peeks. Then let it dry. Repeat until it is complete. Be careful when using CA. If you use too much, it will run out when you push it with the eraser, and will mar the surrounding area. The cuff titles have enough length to go around the cuff, with plenty left over. Dont trim to length until you are about to join them together in the back. Mist with a light coat of clear flat.
I did not lose any detail or color using this method. The paint did not chip or crack.
Also, I did apply it to an already painted sleeve. Not good practice to glue to a painted surface. But it held good.