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Your figures are very good. Tell us more about them and how you are going to pose them. I have seen pictures of US forces watching on as they laid seigh to Sadams sons hideout. Mixture of Delta forces and Marines i think.
thanks for the compliment
the first two figures I built will just be milling around. One of the other 2 will be the TOW gunner (or .50 gunner .. or whatever). The last one will be standing and talking ot the gunner.
There's really nut much else to say about the figures. I used enamels and some acrylic; drybrushing, wash, etc .. oh yeah, the head of one of them is from Verlinden. Decals are from Echelon; one minor nit-pick .. I don't like the green color of the 327th Infantry Regiment patch on the helmet.
... btw, the real-life troopers were from the 101st Airborne. (aside from the special ops people).