Hi guys I'm really glad you like it. I find some of your comments far too kind

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About this subject, how do you painted the camo scheme , i mean: it has been done by brush or with an airbrush..? Have you used a masking tape technique or has been done free hand..?
The camo was done with an airbrush. The technique I used was to cover some areas with maskol (first I masked all the green areas) and sprayed a DG layer all over the tank. Than I masked the areas I wanted to be yellow (without taking off the first maskol layer from green basecoat) and sprayed redbrown all over. Its a good technique but next time I'll try patafix or masking tape. Just one advice do not put under ANY circumstances a drop of maskol on the PE grills of the engine. I had a big headache because of this LOL.
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Great job. It is one of the best models I've seen here.
No, no, no it's not true

I've seen what some guys here are able to do. But htanks Sweaver.
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A few quick questions: How did you weather the tracks, what did you use for mud, and what pastels did you use (if any)?
The trucks were my big headache as I have never really done them nicely. What I did for tracks and mud was:
First, I painted tracks with a mix of burnt sienna + yellow pastels + tap water, for the mud I was hitting gently with my brush the areas where I wanted the mud to appear. Once dried, I found it too light. So, I brushed some burnt umber powder on the tracks and made a mix of it with water to make the 2nd color of mud. I applied the 2nd mud layer with the same technique as before. Than I drybrushed twice all surfaces of tracks that should have contact with ground + all the edges frst with burnt iron metalizer (MM), second, with the Humbrol 56 (metal color). The places were the wheels touch tracks were painted with a 2B stencil.
Thanks for reading