Alright guys, this is the last of the construction pics. It's about ready for paint, just gotta finish the other run of tracks.
Since I didn't assemble the kit like the instructions suggested (I'm a little rough on my builds when the fit isn't right), it was time to work on the exterior details. Testors liquid glue is my favourite glue for gap filling when it comes to minor gaps. I constructed the fuel drums and let them sit and dry well for a few days, so now it was clean up time, and putting them on the tank. I also added the finer details to the hull such as the headlight, horn and various hooks. The only problem I had was with the back plate. Which fit fine until I added the fan grille up on the engine deck. This part was warped slightly and a little pressure was needed to get it to sit right, which I think resulted in the entire fit of the back plate being off. I puttied it up no problem. The front needed a weld seam so I tried glue for it since it needed to be so thin. I would have used Milliput for this, but I couldn't get it to go thin enough to be in scale. So it will need a little clean up before paint tomorrow! I did however use Milliput for the join of the lower and upper hull where I cut off the fender. Texture was added to the bow gun using Mr. Surfacer 1000 and a good old paint brush for stipling it. The final bit of detail was the straps for the spare track rack, made out of Tamiya Masking Tape. Here's the pics:

The turret, while nice was lacking in some serious detail such as the cast texture and the weld seam, which should have been present according to most reviews. I did the cast texture with Mr. Surfacer again, and the weld using milliput and sculpted it with a #11 blade:

The tracks are interesting in that there are pin marks on the outter surface of the tread. Very poor IMHO for such a greatly detailed kit. So a Micro Chisel was needed to remove the excess plastic, and some putty will be used to fill/create mud on the tracks. They consist of the upper run, with the proper sag already molded, aswell as the lower run. The kit supplies jigs to put the tracklinks together to go around the sprocket and idler. Care here needs to be applied when putting these indies together as too much glue will glue the track to the jig, and not enough, won't hold the tracks. They are very finicky! Here's a pic of a run still drying on the jig:

All that remains is a little clean up of some glue spots. The headlight lens is clear plastic, and the tow cables are copper wire twisted into a cable. Nice and soft for easy manipulation. These will be added last before weathering.
Here's a couple pics of it all together before paint:

That's it for tonight all, thanks for looking!