MaxxPro CAT I vehicle

MaxxPro Cat I vehicle (early version)

MaxxPro Concept vehicle

Man that thing is huge. I can't image how top-heavy it is, even without armor for the gunner. Its a pretty good vehicle though and I'm glad to see it fielded.
High demand only increases the price and spending extra money to get it heavily fielded by the end of 2008 (elections anyone?) only helps the politicians that are pushing it.
I also believe this vehicle will usher in a whole new family of air transportable vehicles designed with a common chassis for multiple purposes. Are the days of the Abrams/Bradley numbered?
I think if anything, the current conflict will render soft skinned wheeled vehicles to stateside and european use only. I think anything "forward" deployed (ie. Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa, etc.) will be uparmored in one form or another.
Beleive it or not a couple have already been destroyed by the bad guys, and some congressmen are already complaining about the need for additional armor on these. I work for one of the companies producing a variant. Hell we are already planning for a successor to the MRAP.
Looks cool though! Is there a reason for unarmored noses/hoods...such as a crumpling safety factor if the vehicle gets into a head-on accident? Or is an armored hood too heavy to lift up, even with pistons?
On a separate note, and again I'm tired, but I'm curious about something. Also bear with me as I explain where I'm coming from. In the email it says that the Cat I I MRAP-MRUV (the one in the first picture) carries 6 men, including the driver and front passenger (presumably the TC and senior man in the vehicle, but that's my presumption). Ok. Now a line squad is 9 men. With humvees, two trucks fills that number out nicely with essentially one fire team per vehicle: 2 drivers, 2 TCs, 2 gunners, and 3 passengers in the back (2 in one, 1 in the other) = 9 with room for one more person like a translator, medic, Public Affairs, etc. That allows for keeping squad integrity while leaving some mission flexibility.
With this MRAP version, 6 men total doesn't allow you to fit an entire squad in one truck, but 2 means with nine men, you are manning two trucks with room for 12. With a squad of two trucks, I see no problem with having 3 extra seats between the two vehicles, because that allows you to have that translator, the medic, and still have room for a prisoner, but if a platoon is 4-6 trucks, who do you fill the seats with?
Second question, does the 6 men number include the gunner? If so that raises to 7 the number in the vehicle. That raises the number to 35 "seats" in a ~29 man platoon (3x 9 men/squad, plus Platoon Leader and Platoon Sergeant). Has anyone thought if this would result in some kind of doctrinal shift to the line squad or is this just accomodating attachments/detachments that are going down to the squad and platoon level?
On a separate note, and again I'm tired, but I'm curious about something. Also bear with me as I explain where I'm coming from. In the email it says that the Cat I I MRAP-MRUV (the one in the first picture) carries 6 men, including the driver and front passenger (presumably the TC and senior man in the vehicle, but that's my presumption). Ok. Now a line squad is 9 men. With humvees, two trucks fills that number out nicely with essentially one fire team per vehicle: 2 drivers, 2 TCs, 2 gunners, and 3 passengers in the back (2 in one, 1 in the other) = 9 with room for one more person like a translator, medic, Public Affairs, etc. That allows for keeping squad integrity while leaving some mission flexibility.
With this MRAP version, 6 men total doesn't allow you to fit an entire squad in one truck, but 2 means with nine men, you are manning two trucks with room for 12. With a squad of two trucks, I see no problem with having 3 extra seats between the two vehicles, because that allows you to have that translator, the medic, and still have room for a prisoner, but if a platoon is 4-6 trucks, who do you fill the seats with?
Second question, does the 6 men number include the gunner? If so that raises to 7 the number in the vehicle. That raises the number to 35 "seats" in a ~29 man platoon (3x 9 men/squad, plus Platoon Leader and Platoon Sergeant). Has anyone thought if this would result in some kind of doctrinal shift to the line squad or is this just accomodating attachments/detachments that are going down to the squad and platoon level?
I'm pretty sure that this new vehicle or something just like it was in the Transformers movie. I wonder if the real thing can transform into a two-story tall robot? One can only hope.
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