A friend of mine and I were allowed to enter military ground in Austria. This happened on last Wednesday. We where at the "Panzertruppenschule" and had a look at the local collection of tanks. I of course was focused on the russian ones.
The soldiers there repair and drive those vehicles to keep them in condition as good as possible. Of course they do this in ther spare-time for free, just because of interest.
Well, here are some pics of our first visit, I mainly focused on the two T-72 (ex-NVA)
On our next visit I will snap some shots of the T-55 AM2B.......
Here are some pics of which I thought they could be of interest for you, and may are helpfull........
Here we go, starting with the KMT-mount of the T-72:

Well, not a lot of space in a T-72........but sttill cool, especially when the ABC-system is running.

A bit of oil running from the exhaust.........

A T-72 Engine:

And on this one they made some ballistic tests...........interesting was, that the commander told me that none projectile, except one hitting the turret, could totally penetrate the armor. Next time I will ask which kind of ammunition they used.......

So, thats it for now. The best part on our visit was the ride on the T-72. (Not on the destroyed one :-D, on that with the KMT)
I also got a little souvenire........a taillight of the destroyed T-72.....awsome......
There are also a BTR-70, a BMP-1 and 2, the T-55 AM2B and several T-34/85. So, If anyone of you, need a pic of a special detail, let me know and I´ll do my best to make a good shot of it. (Also pics of the interior, no problem! Also from austrian vehicles, If requested. Including older Chaffees, M-41/47/48/60 etc.) And If somebody needs some pics in better resolution, just drop me a line......
Hope you like the pics, I personally think that the ones showing the mount of the KMT are very helpfull.....
Best regards,
Andy T.