The wooden base I'm using for this desert project has been sealed with two coats of polyurethane. And in the 'box' section where I want to put the 'enviornment' I gave it a good scratching with a dull screwdriver blade and am going to give that area another coat of this sealer before adding the enviornment. Hope that this is enought to keep the base from warping.
Now yesterday I was thinking about some 'rocks' to put down this this scene when I happened to look at the tires on my truck. The treads on these tires are always picking up little stones in them, and because of the particular design of this tread, they seem to pick up more gravel than any vehicle I've ever owned before. Now on removing some of these stones I found that the part of the stone that has been exposed to the pavement is flat, while the rest, lodged up in the tread itself, still has it's natural shape. So I think I'll start digging these out and setting them aside to use in this in this setting. The 'box' part of the scene is made out of no more than 1/32" or 1/16th" tall balsa wood strips so these stones may just be big enough to work here. And since this area I'm going to fill in is only just a tad bit bigger than the vehicle itself, in a month or two I should have collected enough of these stones out of the tires to use them in this base. I got about 50 or so of these stones out of the tires just yesterday. Think this will work?
Once these stones are down I have a small bucket of construction type sand that I'll use to fill in around these rocks. Of course from what I've read here, I'll need lots of these stones, so it may take a little longer than a month or so to get enough of them to fill in the base properly. Of course it's not like this is the only model I've got to work on till I get enough! Ha, ha!
Anyway it's worth a shot. Nothing tried nothing gained.
Take care and thanks for all the good answers here. sgirty