I know you can post a journal (and I have been). I just thought I'd toss a few images out here to spark some conversations and get feedback etc etc.
Here is where I am. I'm thinking Pacific Theater all the way over to Burma, tropical anyway.... Palm trees, long grass, palm fronds, shorts, red dirt, narrow roads and all....
My initial idea is that the guys missed a turn and or couldn't make the turn and dumped the jeep into the drink. Other ideas are that there may be a make shift rickitty bridge jutting out from the turn and they tried it with the jeep and fell through. Not sure on the bridge, it would be dramatic and fun to build, time, money, feasability, we'll see.
Anyway enough drivel of the mouth,
Here are the pics - First is the basic stryrofoam build up on a wooden base. Custom base, cut from old wood and used the router to give it an edge. The jeep is 1/2 done and taped together to get proportions and spacing.
The jeep is Italeri - it pretty much stinks but I'm drowning it anyway
More to come....