Thunderbolt I
Thunderbolt II
Thunderbolt III
Thunderbolt IV
Thunderbolt V (M4)
Thunderbolt VI (M4A3 76)
Thunderbolt VII (M4A3 76 HVSS)
M1 Abrams "Thunderbolt"
M1A1 Abrams
M1A2 Abrams
Maybe M1A22 Abrams "TUSK" if the stuff is available by the time I get to this kit.
I currently have the DML M4 Sherman Thunderbotl IV and Thunderbolt VII. I also have the Tamiya M1 (105mm), M1A1, M1A2 as well as DML's M1A1 SEP and M1A2.
I am looking for any and all available information on the tanks used by General Abrams. I tried Google and didn't have much success. If you know of any good references please let me know by posting the reference here so that I can buy it.
Does Hunnicutt's Sherman book have any good "Thunderbolt" photos?
Thanks for your time.