I have been waiting for this kit to be released for a long time, Alan has kindly donated a number of pictures from his visit to Bovington, which have come in very handy when up-detailing this tiny kit. That said though, I find it very hard to fault this kit in terms of attention to detail. Let me just say that any bolt counters out there; you know who you are, he he!, will not be disappointed.
Firstly, decide which version of the Ue you wish to make, Tamiya offer three options, though you will need to get the micro drill out straight away as the three different models require idifferent parts.
I will be making a 28cm Rocket carrier, otherwise known as the Selbstfahrlafette für 28/32cm Wurfrahmen auf Infanterie-Schlepper UE(f). Try saying that when you have had a few! These were often mounted on the rear of the vehicle, or on the sides by aid of a rudimentary frame. I will be making the former.
Aluminium foil was used to close off the rear storage bin and thin strips of styrene sheet and rod were cut to add detail.
The rockets have come from the Mirage Hobby set and are quite hard to paint well, I will only be using the rockets and parts of the frame.
Extra detail was etched into the rocket frames with my handy scribing devise.....or a needle stuck to an old brush, whatever you want to call it. The painting method will bring out the etched pattern of the wood
Painting the wooden frames was quite fun. I do it in three stages, Base coat of tamiya XF-57 Buff, followed by highlighting with the airbrush, finished off with a coat of brown water colour paint wiped off after a few minutes.
Painting was a bit of a bold move as this was only my third outing with an airbrush after 10 years of builing without one. Not a bad attempt, but plenty of room for improvement. I have started to apply pin washes of Tamiya Black to panel lines, though this is taking my a while due to the sheer number of tiny details on the surfaces.
Hope you enjoy my build, i will keep you posted as ever. i am trying to get this finished as soon as possible and try to get it published quickly before others beat me to it. So i had better get back to it........
Be lucky