I remember buying and old Nitto kit of the tractor some 25 years ago, but it was so awful that it took much more time and skill than I had to make it look decent and it has long been consigned to the trash. I have always liked the look of this vehicle. To me it seemed futuristic and reminded me of the tractor the Robinsons used in the old TV show "Lost in Space".
Now I will have something to pull my AFV CLUB LONG TOM and 8" HOWITZER.

The kit will be made by Hobby Boss, and although I have heard of them I don't know what kind of quality they produce. Anyone have any feed back on them? I also have Tamaiya's 2 1/2 ton truck. Was this truck ever used or capable of towing the 155mm or 8" Howitzer? Most of the documentary footage I've seen shows these peices being pulled by the High Speed Tractor.
I'm always suprised when Kit makers release models of thing where only a few were produced and ignore vehicles that were made in much greater numbers and far more common. That's why I was glad to see TASCA coming out with the Serman M4A1. Up to now almost all of the OOB Shermans were the welded hull model with the few cast hull releases being the later 76mm gun or the Israeli super Sherman.