SPLASH: Love at last sight
Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 - 11:17 PM UTC
The picture above is from the Finnish war movie Rukajärven tie (Ambush) and it involves a tragic love story. This is my reference.
In my dio the Ltn is just getting on his bike to get back to the field, from which he may never return. The couple has already kissed goodbye and exchange final looks at each other.
I have used Tamiya´s German bicycle guy with the bike which will be converted t a Finnish soldier and bike. Head is from Hornet, so will be the hands. Suomi SMG is white metal from Wiking models. Tamiya bike detail is disappointing, so it will need some scratchbuilding.
The water element is still a mystery to me but I´ll make the figures first and then decide the base design. This scene could take place on a small bridge over a small streamlet perhaps.
The colour scheme will be grey and dirty, addind to the sad athmosphere.
More pics will follow soon!
Pig # 60
O-Ren Ishii: You didn't think it was gonna be that easy, did you?
The Bride: You know, for a second there, yeah, I kinda did.

Noord-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 12:06 AM UTC
That looks like a promising start dude. A romantic story mmmmhh can`t wait to see it finished. Quite an original concept.
Damned that reminds me that I have to start my self too on a dio mmmhh
anyways great job so far
Greetz Robert "FAUST" Blokker
"Wees niet onverstandig, haastig of voortvarend; alles sal regkom, as ons almal ons plig doen".
Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
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Posted: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 12:39 AM UTC
wow man !!
that' s a dio i really really like !!!
congrats for making such good work
with kind regards
Senior EditorCroatia Hrvatska
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Posted: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 12:55 AM UTC
Quoted Text
The picture above is from the Finnish war movie Rukajärven tie (Ambush) and it involves a tragic love story.
I can swear I saw figures like this... Perhaps Coree, SOL... Verlinden.. hmm..
Quoted Text
The water element is still a mystery to me but I´ll make the figures first and then decide the base design. This scene could take place on a small bridge over a small streamlet perhaps.
Have you thought of nearby fountain? It could be nice...
Mario M.
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Posted: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 12:59 AM UTC
Quoted Text
I can swear I saw figures like this... Perhaps Coree, SOL... Verlinden.. hmm..
Here.. not quite what you wanted, but...
Mario M.
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 01:00 AM UTC
Cool idea.
I really like the out of the norm ideas you have. I'm sure the water will come right in.
Maybe a fountain, small side of the road drainage, leaking water tower/container spilling and pooling - who knows Im sure youll come up with a cool idea.
Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 01:41 AM UTC
Thanks for the input!
Yeah Maki, if I was to make exact replication of the movie scene, those Verlinden figures would have been very nice...
What I´m trying to catch is the moment of separation. The instant after you kiss your love goodbye is for me the saddest moment possible, just because you know that from that point on the waiting time before seeing again is the longest....
What will be most challenging is to draw the attention to their eye contact. #:-)
Get ready for close-ups of wet eyes...
I won´t give this scene a sense of false hope by putting flowers or beautiful vegetation in the terrain. I´ll go for a very plain base.
A sketch with general poses:
Pig # 60
O-Ren Ishii: You didn't think it was gonna be that easy, did you?
The Bride: You know, for a second there, yeah, I kinda did.
Florida, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 02:18 AM UTC
Great concept!
A wonderful idea that dares to delve into one of the more morose sides of war.
Keep us posted...
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Hauts-de-Seine, France
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Posted: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 02:25 AM UTC
Envar, that's a great start !
I just love the story, the sketches... it's nice to have you show us these good ideas !
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from Paris, France, Europe
Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
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Posted: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 06:38 AM UTC
It's been a while since we've last met...... and what a great dio-idea to re-new our contact again.
Looks very very promissing !!
All the way is far enough
Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 07:01 AM UTC
Thanks a bunch...
yes it´s been some time, you know how it is, there are times when too much is going on and some activities suffer from that.
I´ve been here all the time, trying to keep track on what´s happening. Just haven´t had the time to post... I hope it will change in the near future!
Trying to have some building done tonite...
Pig # 60
O-Ren Ishii: You didn't think it was gonna be that easy, did you?
The Bride: You know, for a second there, yeah, I kinda did.
Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 06:08 PM UTC
Ltn. Perkola is getting his shape. German jacket is converted to Finnish summer tunic, only the rolled sleeves are missing, they will be made of Milliput. I used pieces from sparebox and legs from ICM East German motorized troops (yucky white plastic, but works well for scratchbuilding purposes).
Straps are made of wine bottle foil, attached with CA glue. There are some glue stains to be cleaned...I´ll propably change the hand too, these look clumsy and there is no real grip.
The front wheel of the bike was pointing straight forward OTB, and it´s not a natural pose. So I made the support stick of brass wire. There is also a dynamo with wiring...

Wrapped cloth over steering rod is made of tea bag paper. I don´t like the thick plastic wheels of this kit but I won´t go for PE set, it looks better in real life.
A funny thing was that the Hornet head resembles greatly the actor Peter Franzen, who plays the role in the film. Hair style and everything. There is a real challenge painting the face now...
Costs so far:
Head- 1 €
Figure- 1 €
Suomi SMG- 2 €
Bike with stuff- 2 €
Base- 1 €
Total: 7€
Comments are welcome as always!
Pig # 60
O-Ren Ishii: You didn't think it was gonna be that easy, did you?
The Bride: You know, for a second there, yeah, I kinda did.

Noord-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 06:47 PM UTC
That`s a great conversion job you are showing here. You have really put in a lot of details n this one. I love the care of detail such as the dynamo.
I really can`t wait to see it finished
Greetz Robert "FAUST" Blokker
"Wees niet onverstandig, haastig of voortvarend; alles sal regkom, as ons almal ons plig doen".

Donegal, Ireland
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Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 09:04 PM UTC
Hey Tony...... great concept and well done for gettig started..... maybe thats the push we need. One thing ........ maybe its just perspective or the photographs ..... maybe its just me ........ but the soldiers right arm looks huge! It seems to be very long! It looks like this in both the front and the back. #:-)
IPMS Stockholm
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Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 10:08 PM UTC
Plasticbattle, now that you mentioned...
You´re right. It does look huge. At first I thought it was just the position of the elbow that made it look like that, but the sculptor of this Tamiya figure clearly had problems with this arm, perhaps to make it reach the bike´s steering rod.
I´m about to replace the hands so I can fix the arm lenght at the same time!

Thanks for pointing that out!
Pig # 60
O-Ren Ishii: You didn't think it was gonna be that easy, did you?
The Bride: You know, for a second there, yeah, I kinda did.
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Friday, April 04, 2003 - 01:00 AM UTC
Nice job, I like the gear that you have given this guy, it looks like it has come straight out of some of my reference books. Nice touch on the front wheel.
Wisconsin, United States
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Posted: Friday, April 04, 2003 - 01:18 PM UTC
I think that it will be a real great and story telling scene when completed. It should look nice, and really bring out the "love" side of war. Its differant to see something like this and I think that it will be a very welcome sight.
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Posted: Friday, April 04, 2003 - 01:36 PM UTC
Hahah..yeah rite guys, ..the love..but..
U know when i have done the mines (details at Danny )
Those were "junior town" figures called "Kiss goodbye"
Thanx God i've turned'em to happy love, like "Good to be back home"
Huh guys ?

But i'm sure this will be a great project too. Take it easy
Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
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Posted: Friday, April 04, 2003 - 10:41 PM UTC
Details at Danny for sure !! Just have a look at what LM2 is talking about :
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Sao Paulo, Brazil
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Posted: Saturday, April 05, 2003 - 05:15 AM UTC
Subang Jaya, Malaysia
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Posted: Sunday, April 06, 2003 - 08:01 AM UTC
Very impressive!
i just cant wait to see the final dio, and the process as well...
Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Sunday, April 06, 2003 - 10:34 AM UTC
Hehe, love is a wonderful thing...and it has caused more suffering than all the wars together...

Anyway, there´s some progress. I reworked the right arm and it looks better now.
I primed the figure and started with the face. The basic expression is there, I just let it dry now and concentrate on the torso next.
Why oh why did I attach all those straps and equipment on this guy before painting the details! It´s gonna be helluva job now...
Ltn and the final look...
Pig # 60
O-Ren Ishii: You didn't think it was gonna be that easy, did you?
The Bride: You know, for a second there, yeah, I kinda did.
Virginia, United States
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Posted: Sunday, April 06, 2003 - 10:44 AM UTC
Hi Toni,
It sure is looking great so far... :-) :-) The guy kinda looks like Adolph Galland before his bad plane crash. I can't wait to see the rest of it.
Penny Pierce
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Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Monday, April 07, 2003 - 06:34 AM UTC
...and even more updates!
The figure came out ok, I just snapped off the gun temporarily and the painting was a lot easier. The picture is quite bad but shows the colour balance, if not the accurate colours.
I used Lifecolor acrylics for the clothing, humbrol enamels for boots and some oils for butt of the gun. Everything was dirtied with pastels.
Next...going for the bike.
Pig # 60
O-Ren Ishii: You didn't think it was gonna be that easy, did you?
The Bride: You know, for a second there, yeah, I kinda did.
Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Monday, April 07, 2003 - 06:40 AM UTC
Excellent Job Toni, you really are quite the artist.
My biggest beef with figure painters is that they try to make too much contrast in color with the face. I really like how your figure has turned out, it looks quite realistic.
Enjoy building the rest of the dio, this one will be hard to beat.
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