the bottom of the hull... all the suspension boogies had been assembled... so many seem line in the parts... noticed the PE grille ..

I cut the kit windscreen details and wiper and add the eduard pe parts. The driver hatch interior was added with pe part.

next the upper hull. The engine grille cover must be replaced with eduard part so arm with my dremel and miniature file i removed the plastic grille cover.

eduard PE parts added

the exhaust mesh cover ?? noticed the strecth sprue used ask CA glue applicator. as well as the accelerator. I made severals strecth sprue parts....

both of the above items installed together

this IFV is equipped with propeller...but the kit propeller molded-on type and is crude and basic. thanks god eduard replaced this part..so in order to used the pe part. i have to open the hole for the propeller .... i clean it with mini files

the 5 parts PE... hehehe...this procedure took almost 30 minutes.... but i managed to get it done...my fingers crammed once due to this...hehe

i take a break and light a cigarette..
i installed the propeller into the kit rear hull...

that's for now...........
be back for more................