Gday Dave
Aww man, there are a hundred and three ways of finishing eyes...
It can depend on the detail of the figure, as they can vary from injection plastic figures having slitted eyes lacking in detail, to resin heads that have eyeball and eyelid details...
For the former, you could just add a dark horizontal line of thinned paint to give the impression of squinting eyes. There is nothing worse than thinking you can make these type of eyes stand out by adding pure white for to the eyeball, and then a dot of black for the iris in the middle... The result is a Rodney Dangerfield look, which is
possibly not the look you're after...
You can add an iris of the colour of choice, but the trick here is to frame the eyeball by adding a thin line for the top eyelid, but not in black; say brown shades... Looking at a real eye, the iris generally touches the edge of the white eyeball (except when startled and wide eyed...) so therefore would touch the top line you have added.
If you wish to go the more detailed option for say a hornet head, then do not use pure white, but a just lighter than flesh colour. (Caucasian flesh that is...) You can frame the eye again with a brown line... Helps to do these first, so you can paint in the eye with flesh colour later to get the right shape.
These are pretty simple ways, and I haven't painted eyes since Jesus was a lad, so therefore you may get some btter ideas surfacing. Do a search of the network; you'll be sure to bring up some good how-tos...