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What did you use for the drawer handles?
Believe it or not, they are from the Academy "AFV Tank Supplies II " set #1383 and were originally intended to be the handles for the British Fuel cans! I originally bought the set for the mermite cans and the cold drink coolers and realized they would make perfect drawer handles.
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You F.A. folks must of been different we never had none of these things.
Probably because we were an SP unit, it made more sense to have the kitchen in the back of the truck, so that if we had to march order there was a lot less to pack up to move. Somebody must have liked the idea, because the MKT (Mobile Kitchen Trailer) is a similar concept.
TomO, thanks for the great tip!

That looks like exactly what I need, and I just placed the order. It appears there are three stoves which is what there should be, plus perhaps some additional accessories. I'm sure I could have scratch built them, but this will save a TON of time.