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I just don’t agree with Stone’s view of things.
I don't either, his stories involving the emotionally isolated Vietnam vet I think are and exception to the rule of the majority.
An uncle of mine was from Quebec, and he lied about his citizenship to join the U.S Army to avenge the honour of France in Vietnam (in the 60's French honour in Canada was a big deal, FLQ was kidknapping British trade ministers etc). He said when he got off the plane after his tour a little girl gave him a flag, a flowers and a kiss on the check. That seems to be the opposite of the usual fighting through protestors scene you usually see in movies. Every few years 'Big Frog' goes down to someplace in Louisiana to visit an old friend burns some incense
. I had an American immigrant as a science teacher and he was a Vietnam vet, and when the topic of Vietnam came up he always said his hometown treated him right.
As a rule I always thought America treated it's veterans right, so why should vietnam be any different.