Nice job on the tractor.
I started one years ago but Italeri kits are so bad that by the time I corrected and fixed flaws like the spring sink marks I lost interest and built an M52. Going to get back to working on the M172 this winter. I work slow and on many things at the same time.
Loads for the M172 could be anything within it's load weght limit. Choppers, dozers, trucks, APCs and light tanks. Thinking about a M578 for mine.
Could't find pics of the M172 on prime portal. But I have a few on my Webshots albums plus the tractor. Maybe you,ve seen my pics someplace else. I don't tag them, that you could see.

I recently went through my albums and reworked them them. Now working on adding more drawings and TM illustrations. Like the illustration on your bench it takes time to to clean them up in photoshop. That one i did already. I'll try to get some M172 suspension details up soon.