An excellent job Petros, really great scene you've got here, the Sherman is excellently weathered and its good to see a nice use of the DML and Tamiya figure sets.
However, a couple of pointers for future reference:
- The inside of the gunners hatch should be painted OD not white, and why has he got his head out and not the driver?
- The barn (which is excellent by the way) could do with some more debris/objects of some type towards the back - it looks a little empty to me.
- As mentioned the rangers still have their life jackets on, and i'd have suggested painting them and the tamiya figures in the same set of colours so that one set doesn't stand out from the others.
Please don't take these the wrong way, you have an excellent dio on your hands there, these are just a few pointers you may find useful.
Can't wait to see your next peice of work,