Well, what I thought was going to be a quick build has turned quite differently (but still fun!).
Academys new M151 series was a welcome replacement for the old Taymia kits...however out of the box, none of the A1 versions are right. They are a hodge-podge of A1 and A2 features, with a lot of simplifications. The M151A1C is probally the worst of the versions for this "tack on some more parts and call it good" approach...anyway, it provides some basics, and give the opportunity for some simple but effective scratchbuilding...
So far ive scratchbuilt:
--gun travel lock and mount (totaly missing in kit)
-- spare wheel mount (very simplified part in kit, but correct location)
-- the sheet metal thing in front of spare wheel (missing in kit)
-- radio shelf (in kit, but thick)
-- upper suspension arms in front (missing in all M151 kits)
-- front skid plate (missing in all M151 kits)
-- framework and mounts for rear crew seats (very simplied in kit, and inaccurate)
-- accelerator peddle...bent copper wire to shape, then squezed flat with pliers
Im also throwing in various details from Legends "Vietnam" M151 update, and used AFV clubs 106mm.
here is the front end...

I dont think im going to mess with backdating the rear suspension..(kit is A2 type) I discovered that too far into the build. I am noting it for next time though!
here you can see the inside of the new spare wheel mount and other details...

The rear seats and ammo racks are a "drop" in kit that has a sheet metal framework, which is totaly missing in the kit except on the rear panel...those upside down L shapes molded on the rear is the sheet metal frame!

speaking of the ammo rack..it has to be modified too. The spacing is off on the racks, and if you use the kits locating holes the whole assembly will be too far forward..but if you move it back you now have to extend the front end so your 106mm will sit right.
Now about that 106mm mount, the kit has you put the legs on backwards! If you put them on correctly (swap parts #D1 and D2) you will get the right spread for a dismounted 106mm, but when mounted it seems in pictures the legs were slightly folded in so they could fit around the crew seats...so before gluing together modify the legs to fold in a little tighter.
Next up...crew seats, radios, antenna mounts, and tread plates (they are hinged below the seats and would lie on the ammo tubes so the crew could stand on this instead of the ammo tubes)
Anybody know if those sandbags along the hood are a ligit idea? They come in the Legends set and I think would look good on this.
Im open for any comments!!