Really nice Abrams and figures like everyone say, but just a few little things just to make it just right. Take this from a Army soldier and not the modeler.
Cary is right on the wheel hubs. They might be crusted with mud, dirt and dust, but will never be sprayed over witht he hull color due o the fact that they have to be inspected by the crew for their fluid level.
As for the "smoke poppers," the 3 short ones on the outside should be painted black as you see in the picture below.
The last thing is the figures. really good, but they should be wearing on of four colored IBA'sand not solid green: Woodland Camo, 3 colored Desert Camo, Marine Coyate Tan, or ACU pattern. The way you have this beast decaled up, they should be wearing Woodland Camo IBA's.
Beautiful job!