hello all !
To be honnest, I haven't been writing in the forum because I hace no picture to show, but I update my campaign journal each time I make a significant step forward !
I built a small bridge out of styro, covered it in spackle, and engraved the detail in it (very simple detail...).
The base is a photo frame.
I built the basic shape out of styro.
I made a mix of : earth pigment, microballoons, white glue, water, wood putty to create the earth.
I added aquarium stones for... stones.
The shape of the water is made of self curing clay. It is now dry ! The cracks (because it schrinks a lot) are filled with spackle. The water has received it's first layer of colors, mostly light brown.
Now it's ready to receive uncountable coats of future.
All these operations do take a lot of time so I'm happy I started early !
Envar, to create your campaign journal :
- go to the SPLASH campaign page.
- on the right side, in the list, click on your name => it will open your campaign account page
- somewhere in the lower half of the page, there's a button saying "add an entry" or something like that... there you are !