The subject of this build log will be the up-armored M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo. I will use the older Tamiya Jumbo kit, even with its known problems. To help remedy these problems, mostly in the turret, I will be using the Tank Workshop Conversion kit that supplies a new turret, transmission and road wheels. To help out with the detailing a little I’ll also throw in a set of photo etched from Eduard.
The primary goal here is to finish this kit and employ several ideas that I have wanted to try out but keep things light and easy. While I will not be adding or correcting every little detail I will strive to produce a good representation of the Jumbo. The Verlinden Siegfried Line kit, which I have had for quite sometime and will be used for the display, I’ll cover that in future post.
The parts break down is quit small, which makes this a good project to get back into model building. I picked up a Jumbo kit off of ebay that had been started by the previous owner. I had to replace the lower hull and transmission but fortunately I had an old one on hand. The work shown here on the upper hull was done by myself and will be covered in the post dealing with the upper hull. As for the tracks I will be using the ones supplied in the kit. While I would like to individual links but in keep with the light and easy plan I’ll stick with these.
I hope you all will enjoy following along with this build log. I am planning to post at least once a week provided I have material of interest. As always if anyone has any comments they are more the welcome.
Enjoy and Happy Modeling
Eric Rains
Shreveport, LA, USA