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I like the effect you have here. Nice shading. What technique did you use?
Wow! You make me feel like I might have actually gotten some of it right.
Well, as I said I did this one for painting practice, so I threw every technique I could find on the internet at it. Let see if I can remember...
-primed with light grey
-pre-shaded anything that might be in shadow
-sprayed a light coat of panzer gray
-post shaded the upper surfaces with lightened panzer gray
-post shaded (filtered?) the wheels and lower hull with darkened the panzer gray with some greenish beige added to make it look oily
-detail painted using random colors for the wood grain
-dry brushed the muffler and exhaust, first with black, then with rust
-futured and decaled
At this point, if I had stopped, I would have been pretty happy. From here I started screwing things up.
-washed heavily with burnt umber/ivory black oils
In some spots this turned out great...in others, well, all you have to do is look
I was going for a rain streaked look. It worked best on the front fenders and the rear deck. I think improving is just a matter of practice. I should have used much less black and done several light coats rather than the two heavy coats I used.
-dry brushed with panzer gray
The wash had darkened the model enough that the original base color was light enough for dry brushing. This should have turned out fine, but my technique needs much work. I need a lighter touch, and have to stop sooner.
-flat coated with an old can of Floquil figure flat
This pretty much destroyed the model. I'm hoping that a fresh can might fix it. Any brand recommendations folks?