Thanks for the replies.
William and Lucas, this was just one of those "I'll try this this and see what happens" techniques. The base color for the uniform is Tamiya Buff, with ModelMaster German Olive green, and a Tamiya field grey or a Grey Green. I'm not at home right now to verify. I just took an old stiff brush and stippled those colors on top of the buff. Then 1 coat of Mig Filter Dark green. I used my uniform as my example.
Robert, I did attach a mike, the tip broke off, I have to add another, it is visable in the 1st picture of the 2nd set. The tarps, thats from my experience. As a former Tanker (now converted to an Infantry Heavy Weapons Co.) I did not like my personal gear getting wet and dirty. We always covered our packs and rucks with a tarp. I would only imagine that others would share this idea. The Eduard set was a little challenging at first, but once I got the basic build done the second one went together much easier. They are nice once installed and painted.
Lucas, the grass sheet is from Heki, I used a small beard/sideburn trimmer to cut the grass leaving the tire tracks. Covering these tracks with a filter, then airbrushing buff lightly over them. The flowers are a great product from Silflor.
Thanks again, guys