I am currently working on a Tiger/T-34 Hybrid tank which is going to go on a "Saving Private Ryan" Diorama. As most of you know the Tiger tank used in the movie was based on a T-34 suspension. As I am trying to make this Dio as authentic as possible I combined two kits to make this tank. One was the Dragon T-34 kit and the other the Dragon Tiger late 3in1 kit. It took quite a bit of measuring and calculating to make the suspension fit onto the Tiger lower hull.
The wheels were all made ona CNC milling machine from plastic material. I had to make a few compromises on a few things as it would have taken too long to make them from scratch etc. Just like the commander hatch, I used teh one from teh kit and didn't bother making my own. (The hatch in the movie has no holes for periscopes)
ANyhow I don't want to bore you guys out with details! I just finished the three tone camo and wanted to get some feedback (my first time to do that) No weathering has been applied yet, just the plain paint. Decas weatherig ect. are about to follow.
Comments welcome.
Here a test fit of the friul tracks

Since the Rangers fired two rounds of the bazooka at the tank I decided to add chipped off Zimmerit on these spots. Here the hit in the front of the tank. In the movie there is no damage visible.

And here a picture of the three tone cammo scheme I need your feedback on. The scheme came out of my head since there is no scee in the movie where you can see the entire scheme.

Like I said, feedback would be appreciated!
Hope you all have a nice relaxing Sunday!