Looking for assistance in locating a figure set that I saw on "enjoyjapan". Not sure if it's been release yet or pending. Figure set is SF Humvee Crew. Also, I've been out of building for 6 years and deciding to return. What new kits for Humvee's are out on the market and which is the best, detail, parts and accessories.
Hosted by Darren Baker
Inquire M1114 / M1025A2


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Posted: Saturday, February 02, 2008 - 09:03 PM UTC


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Posted: Saturday, February 02, 2008 - 09:38 PM UTC
Quoted Text
What new kits for Humvee's are out on the market and which is the best, detail, parts and accessories.
Welcome to Armorama Stanley !
Just do a search about "humvee" using the search engine on the top right of this page. This should give you some food for thought



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Posted: Sunday, February 03, 2008 - 12:31 AM UTC
Welcome! Unfortunately, one of the best threads in recent memory on the subject of M1114's does not even show up on the first FOUR pages if you do that particular search . This is one you do not want to miss. Boggie has done excellent work on his scratchbuilt components:
Additionally, there were a couple of other fairly recent threads which did not show up on the first four pages either. One here:
And another, devoted specifically to SF Humvees (one variant of which apparently no one had ever seen) based on the M1025 chassis:
There may even be a few members who can supply more current information as your need arises.
" If you love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest of freedom, go home and leave us in peace. We seek not your council, nor your arms".
Samuel Adams
Additionally, there were a couple of other fairly recent threads which did not show up on the first four pages either. One here:
And another, devoted specifically to SF Humvees (one variant of which apparently no one had ever seen) based on the M1025 chassis:
There may even be a few members who can supply more current information as your need arises.
" If you love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest of freedom, go home and leave us in peace. We seek not your council, nor your arms".
Samuel Adams


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Posted: Sunday, February 03, 2008 - 04:48 AM UTC
I'd be interested in seeing the figures you referred to, can you post a link to them.
Like Frenchy said the search feature here is excellent.You might want to go to Perth Military Modelling,
http://www.perthmilitarymodelling.com/ and look through the reviews section.
Go to Blast Models and do a search for Humvee, HMMWV and you'll see the fine work they have in resin,
Mig has the definitive M1114 conversion as well, http://www.migproductions.com/
I also heard a rumor that Seb might be starting a blog, similar to the Stryker slat blog only about the M1114 so that would be the place for all hands to contribute our links, techniques and custom builds.
18 Bravo hit the nail on the head with his links. He also sited a problem with extensive threads like the Matte Black SF HMMWV one that they do get lost in the archives, might be nice to have a section at Armorama for research related threads too.
Good luck and post your progress
I'd be interested in seeing the figures you referred to, can you post a link to them.
Like Frenchy said the search feature here is excellent.You might want to go to Perth Military Modelling,
http://www.perthmilitarymodelling.com/ and look through the reviews section.
Go to Blast Models and do a search for Humvee, HMMWV and you'll see the fine work they have in resin,
Mig has the definitive M1114 conversion as well, http://www.migproductions.com/
I also heard a rumor that Seb might be starting a blog, similar to the Stryker slat blog only about the M1114 so that would be the place for all hands to contribute our links, techniques and custom builds.
18 Bravo hit the nail on the head with his links. He also sited a problem with extensive threads like the Matte Black SF HMMWV one that they do get lost in the archives, might be nice to have a section at Armorama for research related threads too.
Good luck and post your progress


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Posted: Sunday, February 03, 2008 - 10:28 AM UTC
Thanks for the info from everyone. Will have to look into everything when I get the chance. Decided that my first back to modeling project is going to be a SF Dumvee, based off of memory from A-stan. Unfortunately, the site "www.enjoyjapan.com" that I saw the figures on, I am unable to access at this time.


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Posted: Sunday, February 03, 2008 - 10:40 AM UTC
Sorry about the wrong info given, the site is "enjoykorea".


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Posted: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 - 07:42 AM UTC
Again thanks to all who answered. Well, I just purchased Tamiya's M1025, (2) Pro Art Dumvee kits and the off road tires, have several extra troop gear lying around my old model chest, so this should be quite interesting. Now need to recall the several SF hummers that I saw and rode in while in A-stan. If any suggestions with the Pro Art kits would be greatly appreciated.

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Posted: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 - 08:03 PM UTC
I haven't been able to play with the Pro Art set, but the Tamiya kit goes together like a dream. Keep us updated, and if you are looking for any more pictures, search this site. We've had some interesting humvee discussions and photo sharing. If you want something specific, just ask and I'll look through my photo database and others will probably volunteer too.


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Posted: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 - 09:34 PM UTC
I bought and used most of the Pro Art Dumvee resin set. I have a few issues with my particular Pro Art set. The spinal board was poorly cast and unusable, the SATCOM antenna was too small out of scale, if you can afford it buy the Pro Art communication sets full of nice detail stuff for many HMMWV's. The Tamiya radio has to be replaced with the SINCGARS but you know that having seen it first hand.
Careful cutting off the running board from the resin plug on the driver side, careful too with the rear tray the lip is very delicate and thin. My braces for this tray were under scale and poorly cast so they were unusable as well, easily to make though.
Since I have never seen one of these vehicles the Pro Art set helped me to understand the conversion and the kind people of this forum shared hundreds of pictures and manual pages so I could get the particular details right. Jeff is right, you'll have to search this forum for the previous builds and pictures that are buried in the archives. Do a search for Matte Black and 18Bravo for some good HMMWV details.
Since my build I've seen many more SF M1114's and that would make a great contemporary build.
Keep us posted on your progress.
I bought and used most of the Pro Art Dumvee resin set. I have a few issues with my particular Pro Art set. The spinal board was poorly cast and unusable, the SATCOM antenna was too small out of scale, if you can afford it buy the Pro Art communication sets full of nice detail stuff for many HMMWV's. The Tamiya radio has to be replaced with the SINCGARS but you know that having seen it first hand.
Careful cutting off the running board from the resin plug on the driver side, careful too with the rear tray the lip is very delicate and thin. My braces for this tray were under scale and poorly cast so they were unusable as well, easily to make though.
Since I have never seen one of these vehicles the Pro Art set helped me to understand the conversion and the kind people of this forum shared hundreds of pictures and manual pages so I could get the particular details right. Jeff is right, you'll have to search this forum for the previous builds and pictures that are buried in the archives. Do a search for Matte Black and 18Bravo for some good HMMWV details.
Since my build I've seen many more SF M1114's and that would make a great contemporary build.
Keep us posted on your progress.


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Posted: Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 07:43 PM UTC
As Boggie points out, the Pro Art set has a few undersized parts, but overall it's a pretty nice conversion. The parts are still quite usable, or easily replaced. There was an online review that did not do it justice, saying the gun mount was not the type used, when in fact the Pro Art gun mount was used quite extensively. Ironically, the review did not point out the undersized parts. If anyone else is thinking of doing a GMV, there's a Pro Art conversion on Ebay right now for $18.00.


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Posted: Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 09:52 PM UTC
18 Bravo
You don't happen to have any access to the short Para (attached to the passenger side) plat mount like in the Pro Art set do you? I'm stuck trying to figure out how to mount the ammo case to it's side rather than underneath it. I have seen a couple of pictures of them but none that I can see how the ammo container is attached to the MG.
Are the SF vehicles exclusively M1114's these days?
I see in Pro Arts newer sets the instructions are much better for us non military types.
You don't happen to have any access to the short Para (attached to the passenger side) plat mount like in the Pro Art set do you? I'm stuck trying to figure out how to mount the ammo case to it's side rather than underneath it. I have seen a couple of pictures of them but none that I can see how the ammo container is attached to the MG.
Are the SF vehicles exclusively M1114's these days?
I see in Pro Arts newer sets the instructions are much better for us non military types.


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Posted: Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 10:59 PM UTC
Bill, check your messages. I may have what you need.


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Posted: Friday, February 15, 2008 - 02:13 AM UTC


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Posted: Friday, February 15, 2008 - 02:24 AM UTC
Can someone post a link to the radio set. I also have detailed pictures of the "the thing in which we do not speak" on the front as well. Basically, I have video and stills of everything OIF M1114. I hope I can rely on you guys to help me get through this build. This will be my first Armor attempt. I didn't mean to hijack this thread, should I start a new one or just press on here. Thanks guys. Hope my pics help.


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Posted: Friday, February 15, 2008 - 04:16 AM UTC
What are you looking for as far as the radio set, are you looking for the actual resin set or are you looking for pictures of the real thing.
What are you looking for as far as the radio set, are you looking for the actual resin set or are you looking for pictures of the real thing.


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Posted: Friday, February 15, 2008 - 04:52 AM UTC
Hey Pete, no, I have all the pictures I need, I just need the most accurate kit because I have no scratch building talent, so, I have to rely on after market for 95% of this build.


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Posted: Friday, February 15, 2008 - 05:08 AM UTC
That is going to make me go out and buy a few humvee's to but together just to copy some of those M1114's.It could be a nice resin update if a company out there would make one up like that in some of those pictures.. Maybe blast or pro art or mig productions might make one for us someday.
Happy Modeling
Happy Modeling


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Posted: Friday, February 15, 2008 - 07:11 AM UTC
Does anyone know where I can find a Mig Productions M1114 up armor with cupola in the U.S? Just trying to save some money. If I have to order from an overseas shop I will but I would rather not. I have been looking all evening with no luck.


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Posted: Friday, February 15, 2008 - 08:54 AM UTC
Sorry James, was gone for a little while. Well, Pro Arts and MR Models are the ones who make SINCGARs radio set, where as Pro Arts being the best. As far as looking for MIG sets, if you don't have a local hobby shop, look up Kinhgs Hobby's on the net. The are my local hobby shop up in Austin and they always stock MIG products.
If not, Squadron Mail order carries MIG products.
If not, Squadron Mail order carries MIG products.


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Posted: Friday, February 15, 2008 - 08:06 PM UTC
For other views of the SINCGARS
The Barrel store in London Ontario has the Pro Art SINCGARS
and the MIG M1114 conversion as well.
check around as they have the various resin wheels and figures too.
For other views of the SINCGARS
The Barrel store in London Ontario has the Pro Art SINCGARS
and the MIG M1114 conversion as well.
check around as they have the various resin wheels and figures too.


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Posted: Friday, February 15, 2008 - 08:56 PM UTC


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Posted: Saturday, February 16, 2008 - 06:04 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Looking for assistance in locating a figure set that I saw on "enjoyjapan". Not sure if it's been release yet or pending. Figure set is SF Humvee Crew. Also, I've been out of building for 6 years and deciding to return. What new kits for Humvee's are out on the market and which is the best, detail, parts and accessories.
here's the link to what you were referring too; im alo trying to track them down but i believe thay are custom built ones

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Posted: Saturday, February 16, 2008 - 10:26 AM UTC
Hey, James keep the photos coming. These are excellent showing the new doors and the newest configurations. I really appreciate it and I know there are a bunch of other members that appreciate it too.
However tell your son to stay safe, for that is far more important than some photos.
However tell your son to stay safe, for that is far more important than some photos.


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Posted: Saturday, February 16, 2008 - 11:37 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Hey, James keep the photos coming. These are excellent showing the new doors and the newest configurations. I really appreciate it and I know there are a bunch of other members that appreciate it too.
However tell your son to stay safe, for that is far more important than some photos.
Roger that.


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Posted: Saturday, February 16, 2008 - 07:36 PM UTC
The figures you linked to are some of the best I've seen. If they are custom the sculptor needs to cast these and them to market. Please LMK if they ever show up for sale.
Great find guys
The figures you linked to are some of the best I've seen. If they are custom the sculptor needs to cast these and them to market. Please LMK if they ever show up for sale.
Great find guys
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