Anyhow, I took a number of photos and I also kept some good notes so here we go:
The basic build: I added a Eduard PE set made for this kit and swapped out some pieces for ones from a DML kit. I had bought this kit on eBay years ago and the kit came with the extra DML parts. The DML parts are a light grey color compared to the darker silvery gray of the Zvezda kit.
There were two "scratchbuilt" additions to the kit and one detail addition: The top and bottom bolts for the flash supressor and plastic sheet to cover the sponsons area under the side fenders. The Detail addition was the casting numbers on the back of the turret made from numbers shaved off of sprues.
The running gear and tracks were all done up seperately. The idler arms were left off, but this did not need to be done as the JS-2 tracks are loose and could be adjusted...no problem. The "mud scraper" that goes "into" the sprocket needed to be kept off and painted up seperate until the sprocket was attached...then you can add the scrapers. The single fuel tank was also kept seperate to eas in painting. It is a DML "banged up" fuel tank with a pair of DML tank support arms with bolt/strap detail already molded on, from one of the newer T-34 kits. I also added the Eduard PE handles to it and ended up cutting off and regluing the filler cap on top to help level it out. once attached to the tank.
PE fuel tank straps and engine deck screens. I cut out the molded on screens and leveled the plastic out around the screens and then added the PE. I blanked off the bottoms of the screened area from inside the hull.
I added a lot of Squadron Green putty around the kit for weld beads and as filler. This was done very carefully using my syringe method as described in my SU-100 Blog. Places that especially needed filler were:
Around the rear facing MG "bulge"
Around the Drivors visor and front splash "bump". I carved off the kit "ridges" for positioning the drivers visor and ended up using the DML drivers visor.
Around the lifting lugs on the turret. I also added a styrene barrel to the hull MG sponson.
And finally, around the hull towing lugs. These are SP Designs replacement lugs as the Zvezda ones were badly molded with a huge amount of displacment. (The wierd red color comes from the item I used to prop the kit up for the photo.)
Then I primed the whole kit in acrylic flat black shot through my airbrush. Here is a shot of the towing lugs after, to demonstrate the look of the added weld beads.
More to follow...