Yea there was a bug on this page. Here is the post again:
If you are talking about WW2 Pacific Aussie infantry then I can give you a hand. Basically there are no dedicated kits, but the problem can somewhat be solved:
1/32 Airfix Multipose. You can combine the British European and 8th Army kits with a few adjustments. Starting from the head down:
-If you want a slouch hat then you would either need to sculpt one or buy a resin head set here:
Ultracast-The british helmet was widely used and is included in the multipose sets.
-A body from the 8th Army set is better because of the unbuttoned shirt and smaller frame (therefore more suited to 1/35) than the Europe set.
-Legs can be either 8th Army (shorts and british gaiters) or Europe (longs and british gaiters) although in the Pacific, most Aussies wore American gaiters, therefore a conversion is required.
-Weapons and equipment (i.e ammo pouches, backpack, Thompson SMG, .303, Bren) are all included with both sets.
Some people may disagree with using multipose, they're a few millimetres larger than 1/35 but they are for me the easiest way to model a WW2 Aussie.
Have fun,