@ Ed: for decals, I spray a coat of future on the tank, then apply the decals, and then seal them with future. I think with applying some future you can correct the silvering, at least that worked for me... But I'm not an expert, far from!
@ Brad: Yes, it's build out of the box. The machine gun is not fixed, so I can move it anyway I want. I know that I could wheater it some more, with dust, rain stripes, oil, etc. But I'm afraid to ruin my model, since I don't yet master those techniques... I applies a wash of burnt sienna, and a pin wash of black, mixed with raw umber. That turned out rather good, I think. This model was the first one I tried some new techniques out, and I was surprised that it turned out rather good. But with anything, the fear of ruining what you already done is great. But I will work some more on it.
@ Jim, I absolutely don't take it as criticism! I love all your remarks and tips! That's the only way I can learn, and make my models even better!
Thanks for all the feedback and tips!