A+ on the overall scene, in terms of composition and such. Figures look pretty good, and so does most of the groundwork. A few things might help it along a bit.
1. The pick axes and shovels look like they are glued to the British backpacks, rather than hung there. Add some straps.
2. If the rest of the building the Germans are in is present (off frame), if they shoot that Panzerschrek they are in for a world of hurt. Backblast'll blow them up as bad as the brits. They're also at REALLY close range.
3. You haven't painted any of the straps on the German equipment (rolled up shelter half, canteens, mess tin.
4. Some of the rocks in the groundwork look like they are sitting on top of the ground...they should be partially buried.
5. I can't really imagine dragon's teeth in the middle of a village, but it's possible they were used as such.
6. The tracks haven't been painted, just had mud smeared on them. They are steel tracks and should look like steel, rather than Tamiya rubber-band tracks. And then mud on the vehicle looks like it's smeared onto whatever you could reach with a brush...inner areas are untouched, yet they should probably be the dirtier areas. On a tank like the Cromwell with big wheels, it's probably a better idea to weather the lower hull with the wheels off, and weather the wheels separately, that way you can get into all the nooks and crannies.
7. Since it looks like they are traveling in front of buildings (not behind), then I think the road would be more pronounced than just twin dirt ruts. It might be dirt, but it would have years of traffic and probably not have any grass in the middle. Good job on the tank tracks, though.
8. The stone wall with "ABRI" on it could use a dark wash to bring out the recesses between the stones, then perhaps a drybrush to highlight it. Rubble looks pretty good.
9. Rifle slings would be a nice touch.
Fences look good.
My list might seem like a lot, but most of it can still be done and make your dio, in my opinion, even better. I've only just completed my 5th dio and am still learning a ton, which is why I'm offering my advice. So don't get down on yourself or anything, b/c it's really a nice scene. I'd love to see one sort of "overall" pic of the entire scene.
Keep it up, keep working.....you'll improve in leaps and bounds.