This is a DML BMP-1 with the SP Designs conversion. The only think I added to the conversion is a kleenex "wrap" for the tarp at the end of the antenna. This gives it some more texture and makes it look more like the prototype.
This photo does not show the kleenex tarp.
So..., I painted it up the following way:
1. Dark Brown primer
2. Testors US Army / Marines Special Tan pre-shade coat
3. Testors US Army / Marines Special Tan 20% + Testors Sand 80% in a mix of 70% rubbing alchohol to 30% paint. I did highlights with this mix.
4. Masked off the cammo pattern with silly putty. Yup, it works great.
5. Painted on Testors Dark Green.
6. WITH THE SILLY PUTTY STILL ON, I used 50% Testors Dark Green + 50% Testors Sand in a mix of 70 alchohol/30 paint to do the highlights of the green.
7. Remove the silly putty and drybrush LIGHTLY with Testors Sand and/or US Army / Marines Special Tan.
8. Currently painting details. I used black acrylic craft paint for the engine screens, it is easier to use and dries nice and flat. It is also easier to thin and covers better thin. Painted up the shovel. painted the antenna tarp green and then heavily dry brushed it to give it a nice "tarp look" (whatever that is...

NEXT: More detail painting, then weathering begins!