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Hey Christian!
I have one T-64 kit in stash and I would send you the Roadwheels if you like. But still, you will have to cast two on your own as the T-64 has only 6 wheels per side.
I would be glad to support you on this awsome project. If you need other bits from a T-64, T-80 etc. let me know and I look if I have the parts. Of course for free!
Let me know if that helps you.
Best regards,
Vielen Dank Andreas!!!
It realy warms my heart to have your support and it´s very generous of you to help out.
Your offer will be a great help. Indeed, thank you!
I´ll be in touch as soon as i get the order delivered to me.
I´ll place my order at HLJ next friday ( will hopefully arrive 3-4 weeks later) Hobby link japan has often a massive product range in stock and are resonably cheep although they are slughish in the extreme when it comes to shipping .
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Not a very good "what-if" in my opinion, very cool designs though and fun to scratchbuild.... but big tanks like these will be sitting ducks for all the UAV drone and NLOS weapons that are sure to dominate the 2020 battlefield... plus by 2020, fuel and steel will at least cost double what they do today.
I beg to differ when it comes to the "sitting duck" bit. There are indeed both UAv´s and tracked drones as well as highly advanced sattelite targeting systems for basic infantry and not to mentioning some nice EMP weapons.
BUT.......since this is the future there will also be great leap forward in protection that is worth having in mind. The T-119 might look very low tech but it has a vey high tech missile counter messure as well as jamming capabilities. Shared targeting system/ board radar/ Anti explosive EM field etc. makes it even harder to do damage to it an much easier to spot any danger. Even some EMP weapons struggles to do any real damage, only slowing them down for a little while.
And since the game is based around the fight for the last drops of oil on earth the vehicles seems to be hybrid powered. Crude synthetic petrol/ diesel-ish thing and nuclear power from what i´ve heard.
And steel is apparently to weak to use as armour in the future compared to other compounds.
The terms of cost /money / profit/ etc. has more or less been erased since in that epic last struggle for survival there are no companies, the monetary system has longe since broken down, and everything belongs to the state.
But hey, this is the future so.....anything goes, so to speak.