Hey Guys, thanks for the comments and corrections.
(1) What's that telephone pole look-alike actually?
It’s a Duke anti-IED system.
(2) One thing I noticed is that the large lower lens on the RWS is the thermal imager and is actually mirror gloss black not clear blue.
Thanks for pointing that out, I did mean to go over it using Tamiya’s clear smoke. Will do later.
(3) How long did it take to complete the slat armor? How do you find working on this particular PE set?
I assembled all the sections followed by the brackets and braces. Time frame was like a week on and off a few hours at a time. You do get burned out fast though…
(4) One question. Could you please tell me your method of weathering? Another thing. In one pic I see a model of a LAV III...how come you don't have more pics of it up here?
Charles, you’re my inspiration. It’s your work that drives me to scratch build more armor than I usually do. The weathering, well it’s pretty simple. First I take Tamiya’s buff and thin it 10% paint 90% thinner and airbrush by layering it out followed by the same thinning method only this time using Tamiya’s deck Tan…laying it and building it up. The LAV III…well when the Stryker kit came out Trumpeters kit was the only one out at the time, I had bought three, built two and the third was built into the LAV III. I just didn’t want it to go to waste laying around and when you started yours I figured I’d do the say thing. So using your build and the great references from Prime Portal, well that’s what I came up with. I’ll post it later.
(5) Tell me about the tire on the rear ramp of the Stryker, is it a truck wheel? Would the wheel have a rim and if not would it have an hollow inside?
The wheel came from the spare parts box, it’s a 1/32 car wheel. All the photos showed that the tires had no rims added to them, and yes the center would be hollow out. But in that scale it’ll be had to find such a tire. Maybe someone in the aftermarket department could make something….I think I’ll pass it onto Real Model. Thanks for the comments.
(6) Are you incorporating this in a dio at some point? I also noticed that you didn't add the metal shields seen on many CVs around the rear air guard hatches, I'm kinda curious why?
Thanks Jeff, no…no dio in mind. As to the rear shields well looking at my references they did not have them installed. Probably older photos, and after looking at others I do notice them now, must be something new in the last year or two…and having it mostly built I figured it was to late and I didn’t want to repaint the whole thing over.