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"Vallejo 161 Model Air Thinner"
Hey there Gregory,
While this is marketed to be used with Vallejo's Air Line of paint, it, just like their thinner in their Model Line, and in their Game Line of paints, are all the same. So you should be able to use that with your Vallejo Paint no problem.
Guys there is no difference in thinning Vallejo Paint, than any other paint, you are still looking for that paint consistency like skim milk. If your Vallejo Paint is gumming up your airbrush, its hasn't been thinned enough. I have been using it for years, and now sell it as my main line of paint in my hobby shop. The only difference in thinning it, is that it takes alot more thinner to get the Vallejo Model Paint to the consistency of skim milk, then say Tamiya or Gunze paint does. Your ratios of thinner to paint are different, but the end result is the same.
I have no problems thinning my Vallejo paint down, dropping my airpressure to 5-8lbs of air and painting very fine lines with it.
If you are using a glass bottle to mix you paint in, the paint (no matter the brand) is thinned enough when you tilt you bottle, and then place it back flat, the paint on the side of the bottle coats the side of the bottle, but is slightly transparent, thus the consistency of skim milk.
Whether that means thinning your Tamiya 50/50, your Gunze 50/50, or thinning your Vallejo 70/30 thinner to paint, the end result should still be the same.....you are looking for that skim milk consistency!!