The video of a few Saturdays ago with the 3D ID Task Force penetrating Baghdad propelled me into breaking out the Trupmeter kit. This is the kit with the mine roller set, which I have elected to not use. It also has a prototype hull mounted APU and mine layer device, also not used. I am trying to go OOB for most of the kit, aside from correcting big-time flaws and trying to scratch-build the Kuwaiti-mod additional bustle rack and water can racks.
One big correction is the fix the lower left side turret face. It is molded too short. Plastic shims are needed to add the appropriate depth to the turret face.
Here's my pic after modifying the turret:

and another view:

The information for the mod came from the Missing Lynx website's M1 Abrams tweaks list:
Missing Lynx Tweaks List
Hope this helps!