I decided to build another (2nd for me) King Tiger. I called it "The last Befehlspanzer VI ausf B" as it's going to be a command version - which was relatively rare for this tank, with as many modifications as I know about or I'm able to make (I will try to describe some of them the best I can as the work will go on). Any feedback, comments, corrections, ideas or tips will be welcomed and very appreciated.
The inventory for this project:
the base will be IMHO the best kit to create a late KT, DML's 6232

It will be accompanied by some AM accessories and sets:
an excellent PE set from Lion Roar for both versions: Henschel (known as production turret) and so called Porsche turret (in reality turret made by Krupp). This kit is really great. It has so many parts, for both turrets version, early and late versions that one will have enough parts for two kits.

and a small in-box:

other accessories:
Tasca's German antenna set

Aber's towing cables (I don't like those given by Dragon)

Plus Model PE buckets set (I find tank with buckets hanging on the rear really cool )

Some italeri jerrycans, evergreen styrene rods as well few other things will be useful during the built.
About markings. I am lining towards a very simple ones. in the late stage of war often the only sign on the whole tank (talking about Tiger ausf B) was the German cross (balkenkreuz).
Hope you'll enjoy this build.