Hosted by Darren Baker


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Posted: Friday, March 28, 2008 - 08:41 AM UTC
AngryDog I almost for got, the grounding wires on the hatches except the turret. There on the driver and TC Hatches. and cargo hatches. thers one on the rear of the starboard hacth and one on the fwd part of the portside hatch. They just tac welded to the vehicle they break all the time. They are supossed to ground the vehicle in the water. Under the vehicle were the laterals are two anode blocks that do the same thing.


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Posted: Saturday, March 29, 2008 - 02:46 AM UTC
Joseph, roger that on the grounding wires, I have located some through photos, once I superglue them I'll post pics and I'll surely appreciate if you could point out any items I missed.


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Posted: Friday, April 04, 2008 - 01:07 PM UTC
Fantastic work!! One thing you may want to do (which might be too late for) is sqash down the suspension a bit...all that EAAK would weigh down the old style suspension a little and make it ride low...more than it did already. Find some good photos if you can...it actully may not be that much to see, but it made the driver have to be a wee bit more carefull when hitting the bumps and nosing into a dip.
man..seeing this is making me want to start on mine! Im waiting for somebody to put out some affordable bradley suspension so I can do a rammer upgrade.
I need to wrap up my reveiw for the Legends stowage set....it could be helpful to you.
cant wait to see this continue. Any ideas how your going to do the 40mm feed chute and ammo? Also, and Joseph can verifiy (I was out before OIF), but you may need to add a GPS antenna on the turret. Im thinking all the AAVs got fitted with GPS even if they havent been through Rammer upgrade yet. Comments Joseph?
Fantastic work!! One thing you may want to do (which might be too late for) is sqash down the suspension a bit...all that EAAK would weigh down the old style suspension a little and make it ride low...more than it did already. Find some good photos if you can...it actully may not be that much to see, but it made the driver have to be a wee bit more carefull when hitting the bumps and nosing into a dip.
man..seeing this is making me want to start on mine! Im waiting for somebody to put out some affordable bradley suspension so I can do a rammer upgrade.
I need to wrap up my reveiw for the Legends stowage set....it could be helpful to you.
cant wait to see this continue. Any ideas how your going to do the 40mm feed chute and ammo? Also, and Joseph can verifiy (I was out before OIF), but you may need to add a GPS antenna on the turret. Im thinking all the AAVs got fitted with GPS even if they havent been through Rammer upgrade yet. Comments Joseph?


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Posted: Friday, April 04, 2008 - 01:36 PM UTC
If you need a referance image on the feed tube, here it is.

BTW this is coming out beautiful. Cant wait to see more!

BTW this is coming out beautiful. Cant wait to see more!


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Posted: Saturday, April 05, 2008 - 03:34 PM UTC
I know my track in OIF didnt have one cause it was off a MPF ship. I think some of them had them there but i know they had them in back at Pendleton.


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Posted: Sunday, April 06, 2008 - 12:36 AM UTC
Hi Andy,
Thanks for the input on the suspension, it's a good point about the added weight, I'll try to squash them down a bit.
I'm glad you're a little inspired with my attempt at this kit, there are really only a few intensive efforts to make this beast into a reasonably accurate version and I'll like to see of them.
Didn't Blast-models do a rams/suspension upgrade?
I won't be using the dedicated legend's stowage set as my client has asked just for me to use my discretion on stowage...keeping the cost down. He is already really content with the extent of additional work I've added to the beast.
I am still contemplating whether I should scratch the feed chute and ammo (doing a reverse side scribe on 005" sheet to allow the ribbed effect for the feed chute/frame? looks possible) However, it's a matter of my commission vs time that would decide on the matter.. same reason why I have not added the hundreds on bolts for each armor sheet. As I am really pressed with time, tackling the Abrams, a 1/350 Enterprise with lit hanger and 67 aircraft for her airwing (my post over at model shipwrights) as well as a 1/12 Maclaren MP4/6 Honda.....Plus my masters for my production..
However, in the distant future when time permits, I would really like to make a more serious attempt at the beast thus including the hundreds of bolts on the armor, suspension and most certainly an interior..along with troops and a diorama. Speeding up time and effort by using hobbyfan's sets..
Gary, thanks for the photo of the feed chute.
Anyone has a photo of the GPS antenna on the turret? Joseph?
Thanks for the input on the suspension, it's a good point about the added weight, I'll try to squash them down a bit.
I'm glad you're a little inspired with my attempt at this kit, there are really only a few intensive efforts to make this beast into a reasonably accurate version and I'll like to see of them.
Didn't Blast-models do a rams/suspension upgrade?
I won't be using the dedicated legend's stowage set as my client has asked just for me to use my discretion on stowage...keeping the cost down. He is already really content with the extent of additional work I've added to the beast.
I am still contemplating whether I should scratch the feed chute and ammo (doing a reverse side scribe on 005" sheet to allow the ribbed effect for the feed chute/frame? looks possible) However, it's a matter of my commission vs time that would decide on the matter.. same reason why I have not added the hundreds on bolts for each armor sheet. As I am really pressed with time, tackling the Abrams, a 1/350 Enterprise with lit hanger and 67 aircraft for her airwing (my post over at model shipwrights) as well as a 1/12 Maclaren MP4/6 Honda.....Plus my masters for my production..
However, in the distant future when time permits, I would really like to make a more serious attempt at the beast thus including the hundreds of bolts on the armor, suspension and most certainly an interior..along with troops and a diorama. Speeding up time and effort by using hobbyfan's sets..
Gary, thanks for the photo of the feed chute.
Anyone has a photo of the GPS antenna on the turret? Joseph?


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Posted: Sunday, April 06, 2008 - 03:09 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Didn't Blast-models do a rams/suspension upgrade?
Hi Nick
Blast Models has indeed released a RAMS/RS running gear set :
Set BL35025K

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Posted: Sunday, April 06, 2008 - 03:26 AM UTC
Hey Henri, when I can do another AAVP in the future it'll definately be with the rams upgrade.

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Posted: Thursday, April 10, 2008 - 11:57 PM UTC
So with much difficulty I've decided to stop with the detailing, no scratch feed chute and ammo, no 400 something bolts for the armor...Maybe I'll add a little details to the inner walls of the hatches to simulate the rubber pads.
Looking at the running gear arms-molded to the hull--so no angling them to depict weight.
What pissed me off with the entire build was my over-enthusiasm to start with the MH model without taking consideration how obvious the silhouette difference as compared to the real thing despite reading the reviews..well I guess the modeling bug hit me faster then my better judgment of patience..to attain the Tamiya kit. Perhaps a little trick photography would fix the silhouette issue a little.
All remaining little bolts are installed..scrutinize and you'll find them all over.
All grounding wires are done.
The tiny wires on the grenade launcher are from a small motor..
Search light is from the M113 kits--filed off all protruding details including some of the rear bulge.
The photoetch mesh spacing is the smallest I could find...Anyone know of even smaller ones?Please let me know.
Finally, all that is left is installing the tracks, antennas and mounts, and stowage..and vision blocks.
I would certainly appreciate anyones' input on what "colors" I should use. , as I intend to slide sheets of clear green plastic to each vision block location. ..Or are these vision blocks the same as those on Abrams tanks with a reflective purple,red,blue,green colors?
Anyone has a photo of the GPS antenna on the turret? If it's simple I'll scratch it.
It's going to be a 3-tone camo pattern..
Looking at the running gear arms-molded to the hull--so no angling them to depict weight.
What pissed me off with the entire build was my over-enthusiasm to start with the MH model without taking consideration how obvious the silhouette difference as compared to the real thing despite reading the reviews..well I guess the modeling bug hit me faster then my better judgment of patience..to attain the Tamiya kit. Perhaps a little trick photography would fix the silhouette issue a little.
All remaining little bolts are installed..scrutinize and you'll find them all over.
All grounding wires are done.
The tiny wires on the grenade launcher are from a small motor..
Search light is from the M113 kits--filed off all protruding details including some of the rear bulge.
The photoetch mesh spacing is the smallest I could find...Anyone know of even smaller ones?Please let me know.
Finally, all that is left is installing the tracks, antennas and mounts, and stowage..and vision blocks.
I would certainly appreciate anyones' input on what "colors" I should use. , as I intend to slide sheets of clear green plastic to each vision block location. ..Or are these vision blocks the same as those on Abrams tanks with a reflective purple,red,blue,green colors?
Anyone has a photo of the GPS antenna on the turret? If it's simple I'll scratch it.
It's going to be a 3-tone camo pattern..


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Posted: Friday, April 11, 2008 - 02:19 AM UTC
That is absolutly fantastic work!
Im new to scratching and i have absolutly no idea how you guys can put such unbelievably tiny details on! Earthing straps!! Awesome!!
Has anybody thought of doing a photographic step by step talk though of how to scratch such tiny details? For us new blokes...
How the hell did you do the tiny bolts around the vision blocks on the turret??
Im new to scratching and i have absolutly no idea how you guys can put such unbelievably tiny details on! Earthing straps!! Awesome!!
Has anybody thought of doing a photographic step by step talk though of how to scratch such tiny details? For us new blokes...
How the hell did you do the tiny bolts around the vision blocks on the turret??


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Posted: Friday, April 11, 2008 - 02:38 AM UTC
Quoted Text
I would certainly appreciate anyones' input on what "colors" I should use. , as I intend to slide sheets of clear green plastic to each vision block location. ..Or are these vision blocks the same as those on Abrams tanks with a reflective purple,red,blue,green colors?
All the vision blocks are of the blue-green type of glass (ballistic glass). The only place there would be the purple/red/blue glass is on the sight (the block that sticks up centered on the turret..you scratchbuilt it)
Dont feel bad stopping on the detail...what you have is fantastic and leagues away from any standard kit on the market!
Excelent job, and looking forward to seeing it painted!

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Posted: Friday, April 11, 2008 - 07:06 AM UTC
Hi Ray, thanks for your commends.
A couple years back I was new to scratch building, but after a couple of attempts, reading articles and following the post on this site and others..I got the hang of it..
Personally I think that one of most crucial initial steps is going to the drawing board with references be it PC or books, and with pencil, paper, ruler, protractor,etc and a calculator(since I suck at maths)..not forgetting your materials like various sheet and rod of styrene, and the spares drawer... your willingness to fondle your kit and mark lines allover it...and your Mk II eyeballs(treat them well)...and the rest just follows through....Although after a while your eyes start to cross...
Talking about eyes crossing..if you like, you can check out my attempt on a sort of full scratch built hanger bay for the 1/350 tamiya Enterprise CVN-65. This would be the first large attempt for me and there was a lot of mess up and repetitive errors. https://modelshipwrights.kitmaker.net/forums/116458&page=1
Speaking of scratch builders, there's tons of really impressive work done by our members and I kind of learned via their builds..some minor, some major work, but all impressive, just to mention a couple guys such as "Mother, Barv, Miloslav, Burik, Dolly15, HazZaRd, Seb43, Matteblack"..and the list goes on..as am certain I forgot some of you guys.
I'd advise the newbies to check out these guys' builds, I mentioned..among others.. I do recall a couple of posts on scratch building 101.
I'd hope to do a photographic step by step, but first I got to stand with the ranks.
As for the tiny bolts around the vision blocks..those are from academy's M113 unused drive wheels...I used a new exacto blade to remove them and to poke em and place em on the tiny squares I cut..aided with tamiya extra thin cement.. (BTW the squares and bolts should be smaller--but I couldn't find any)
As for the tiny wires on the grenade launcher--pinky finger holding down the UGWS while both hands manipulating a pair of tweesers each to bend them to shape.. without poking your eyes out. Use a little tamiya extra thin liquid cement on the plastic the metal is going to be placed--press onto it a little, wait till dry, then a tiny drop of superglue. It was easier to secure the earthing wires since they were thicker, but I bend them to sit against the hull first, then glued them.
Andy, thanks for your commends and input, much appreciated and I'll follow suite...I just hope the vision blocks come out well as I have a habit of messing up clear parts!
It's also nice to hear "it's ok to stop " especially since those details I left out--seem soooo obvious!
A couple years back I was new to scratch building, but after a couple of attempts, reading articles and following the post on this site and others..I got the hang of it..
Personally I think that one of most crucial initial steps is going to the drawing board with references be it PC or books, and with pencil, paper, ruler, protractor,etc and a calculator(since I suck at maths)..not forgetting your materials like various sheet and rod of styrene, and the spares drawer... your willingness to fondle your kit and mark lines allover it...and your Mk II eyeballs(treat them well)...and the rest just follows through....Although after a while your eyes start to cross...
Talking about eyes crossing..if you like, you can check out my attempt on a sort of full scratch built hanger bay for the 1/350 tamiya Enterprise CVN-65. This would be the first large attempt for me and there was a lot of mess up and repetitive errors. https://modelshipwrights.kitmaker.net/forums/116458&page=1
Speaking of scratch builders, there's tons of really impressive work done by our members and I kind of learned via their builds..some minor, some major work, but all impressive, just to mention a couple guys such as "Mother, Barv, Miloslav, Burik, Dolly15, HazZaRd, Seb43, Matteblack"..and the list goes on..as am certain I forgot some of you guys.
I'd advise the newbies to check out these guys' builds, I mentioned..among others.. I do recall a couple of posts on scratch building 101.
I'd hope to do a photographic step by step, but first I got to stand with the ranks.
As for the tiny bolts around the vision blocks..those are from academy's M113 unused drive wheels...I used a new exacto blade to remove them and to poke em and place em on the tiny squares I cut..aided with tamiya extra thin cement.. (BTW the squares and bolts should be smaller--but I couldn't find any)
As for the tiny wires on the grenade launcher--pinky finger holding down the UGWS while both hands manipulating a pair of tweesers each to bend them to shape.. without poking your eyes out. Use a little tamiya extra thin liquid cement on the plastic the metal is going to be placed--press onto it a little, wait till dry, then a tiny drop of superglue. It was easier to secure the earthing wires since they were thicker, but I bend them to sit against the hull first, then glued them.
Andy, thanks for your commends and input, much appreciated and I'll follow suite...I just hope the vision blocks come out well as I have a habit of messing up clear parts!
It's also nice to hear "it's ok to stop " especially since those details I left out--seem soooo obvious!

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Posted: Friday, April 18, 2008 - 05:50 AM UTC
Drilled out those holes!!!!
Painting in process--photos next week!
Painting in process--photos next week!
Posted: Friday, April 18, 2008 - 07:14 PM UTC
Hi Nick. Excellent build and scratch work. Love what you´ve done to the base kit. Eventhough Im not into modern armor, it doesn´t take much to appreciate work of this calibre. Nice one.


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Posted: Saturday, April 19, 2008 - 06:15 AM UTC
Hi Nick
Nice build you are doing.
YOu mentioned my name as an example of scratchbuilders well I am still in a learning mode and I think i will be in this momentum for quite a while.
But thanks anyway really appreciate, I am also learning from you and from a lot of guys here around, I think this is the definition of a community.
Keep us update
Nice build you are doing.
YOu mentioned my name as an example of scratchbuilders well I am still in a learning mode and I think i will be in this momentum for quite a while.
But thanks anyway really appreciate, I am also learning from you and from a lot of guys here around, I think this is the definition of a community.
Keep us update

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Posted: Saturday, April 19, 2008 - 07:50 AM UTC
Thanks Frank and Seb.
Seb, I guess we never stop learning..or should not.
Armorama is certainly a spectacular forum, it's essential and reliable because it's members put in time and effort and go out of their way to help anyone with a question or request. Like you said: This is a definition of a community.
I don't know how to go about this hobby and my work without this community...I guess I'm addicted to armorama!

Seb, I guess we never stop learning..or should not.
Armorama is certainly a spectacular forum, it's essential and reliable because it's members put in time and effort and go out of their way to help anyone with a question or request. Like you said: This is a definition of a community.
I don't know how to go about this hobby and my work without this community...I guess I'm addicted to armorama!


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Posted: Saturday, April 19, 2008 - 09:42 AM UTC
Hi Nick
I salute you on your attention to details & patience at scratch building. How do you find time to do all this modelling? Mine usually take months to complete.
Looking good. Hope to see it painted soon.
T Lee
I salute you on your attention to details & patience at scratch building. How do you find time to do all this modelling? Mine usually take months to complete.
Looking good. Hope to see it painted soon.
T Lee


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Posted: Saturday, April 19, 2008 - 06:11 PM UTC
this rawks!

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Posted: Monday, April 21, 2008 - 05:01 AM UTC
Hello and thanks Lee and Sonny, nice to see more locals watching my blog.
Lee, modeling is a full time job for me, still I totally feel I'm at a snail's pace....guess it's because I'm always looking forward to the next project. ..after I finish the 4 I got going on right now.
Painting has started...next batch of photos asap..
Lee, modeling is a full time job for me, still I totally feel I'm at a snail's pace....guess it's because I'm always looking forward to the next project. ..after I finish the 4 I got going on right now.
Painting has started...next batch of photos asap..

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Posted: Friday, April 25, 2008 - 09:29 AM UTC
Some touch ups because of freehand-overspray then I'll be misting a final coat of a lighter green (olive green) to blend the colors...and then weathering..
Any Comments welcomed!
Any Comments welcomed!


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Posted: Friday, April 25, 2008 - 01:28 PM UTC
Daaaaaayuuummmm! That AAV must have been built by "Ronald McDonald" himself cause......IM LOVIN IT!



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Posted: Friday, April 25, 2008 - 01:56 PM UTC
OUtstanding Great work Let see the weathering


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Posted: Friday, April 25, 2008 - 02:10 PM UTC
looks good angry. Cant wait to to see it weathered. What marking are you using. So i havent answerered the question about the GPS on the turret. I goes on the Left Side near the lifting eye. I dont have a picture of it cause i have been so buzy with work.. Keep it going .


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Posted: Saturday, April 26, 2008 - 01:45 AM UTC
Holy **** this look great.
Any idea on making molds and selling them?
Great job so far really.
Now after looking at page two another Holy **** great job dude.
Any idea on making molds and selling them?
Great job so far really.

Now after looking at page two another Holy **** great job dude.


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Posted: Saturday, April 26, 2008 - 06:33 AM UTC
Hi guys thanks for your commends.
Gary, now I've a sudden urge for Mac's Big breakfast...mmmmm
Joseph.. I've no idea what markings to paint on....Can someone advise on this?
No problemo on the GPS, I think it's the round shape thingy. I'm leaving it off since i found a few pics of the beast without them.
Jeff. Actually yes I would like to, but the Abrams kits are the piority for now.
When I started this build-the main obstacle I had was obviously the EAAK and missing detail such as photoetch mesh for the exhaust,etc. So if I could work on a kit, then it would include everything necessary for the exterior, EAAK and mounting hardware and detail parts including the late or early exhaust versions. RAMS upgrades and Interiors are another story.
I know there are available kits out there, (in no way am I discrediting them). I personally would like to produce a complete and up to date version..(with less resin because of my preference) If by that time no plastic manufacturer comes to the rescue.
Photo-etched EAAK will be unlikely due to their size and thus their cost to produce.
So for the heck of it I'll talk---EAAKs, they wouldn't be too hard to make masters to be cast in resin. But they will be very delicate and a lot of careful clean up when removing from the casting blocks. I've built quite a few resin conversions and full kits and I just hate removing a thin part from a casting block--there's always room for error...or maybe I'm just impatient and careless.
For your info..as I posted on my Abrams with TAGS and CSAMM blog..I hope to be able to sort out the possibilities of producing AM kits incorporating different materials--as well as pre-cut plastic sheets. So once I visit my buddy's workshop with the "styrene cutting machines", I'll know if there's a possibility of a "plastic EAAK kit". They would be pre-cut via the "styrene-cutter machine" of course and a wide angle "V" groove "scribed" at the areas to be bent thus making the sheet corrugated when "assembled". Provided the correct angle cutter is available.
If possible, then the relevant EAAK corrugated sheets would although be delicate due to it's thinness, be accurate in it's 'thickness". Assembly would require the modeler to run liquid cement along the "grooves" and bend. Some sort of "template" may be included to ease assembly and ensure correct angles of each bend.
I would think that the "mounting hardware" should also be included so the EAAK sits at correct distance from the hull.
The main issue I foresee would be the "bolts", (excluding the two larger bolts for mounting to the hull points which come to around 200 or so, which you can leave 1/3 off as I did) each sheet section usually consist of 5 bolts along one side, and multiplied by each level and again each sheet. So far my rough count read approximately 400 bolts!!! and none seem missing in photos!!
As for the bolts, two options--supplied resin ones to be cut off individually, or plastic hexagon rods for the modeler to cut off into individuals. Resin parts of that size are pretty easy and quick to glue on using liquid cement to first position, then a touch of superglue to ensure they stay there.
I would like to know what you fellows think.....especially the willingness of adding those 500 or so something bolts yourself. Any comments are welcome. (even if it's : "shut up and finish your AAVP already!")
Please note, I'm a "potential" AM kit producer, so as long as a question of interest pops up, I would like to reply and discuss options and interest, and note it down in my "books".
But for now, this dog has to stop chasing his tail, so back to my Abrams stuff I go...until he gets the itch again...
Gary, now I've a sudden urge for Mac's Big breakfast...mmmmm

Joseph.. I've no idea what markings to paint on....Can someone advise on this?
No problemo on the GPS, I think it's the round shape thingy. I'm leaving it off since i found a few pics of the beast without them.
Jeff. Actually yes I would like to, but the Abrams kits are the piority for now.
When I started this build-the main obstacle I had was obviously the EAAK and missing detail such as photoetch mesh for the exhaust,etc. So if I could work on a kit, then it would include everything necessary for the exterior, EAAK and mounting hardware and detail parts including the late or early exhaust versions. RAMS upgrades and Interiors are another story.
I know there are available kits out there, (in no way am I discrediting them). I personally would like to produce a complete and up to date version..(with less resin because of my preference) If by that time no plastic manufacturer comes to the rescue.
Photo-etched EAAK will be unlikely due to their size and thus their cost to produce.
So for the heck of it I'll talk---EAAKs, they wouldn't be too hard to make masters to be cast in resin. But they will be very delicate and a lot of careful clean up when removing from the casting blocks. I've built quite a few resin conversions and full kits and I just hate removing a thin part from a casting block--there's always room for error...or maybe I'm just impatient and careless.
For your info..as I posted on my Abrams with TAGS and CSAMM blog..I hope to be able to sort out the possibilities of producing AM kits incorporating different materials--as well as pre-cut plastic sheets. So once I visit my buddy's workshop with the "styrene cutting machines", I'll know if there's a possibility of a "plastic EAAK kit". They would be pre-cut via the "styrene-cutter machine" of course and a wide angle "V" groove "scribed" at the areas to be bent thus making the sheet corrugated when "assembled". Provided the correct angle cutter is available.
If possible, then the relevant EAAK corrugated sheets would although be delicate due to it's thinness, be accurate in it's 'thickness". Assembly would require the modeler to run liquid cement along the "grooves" and bend. Some sort of "template" may be included to ease assembly and ensure correct angles of each bend.
I would think that the "mounting hardware" should also be included so the EAAK sits at correct distance from the hull.
The main issue I foresee would be the "bolts", (excluding the two larger bolts for mounting to the hull points which come to around 200 or so, which you can leave 1/3 off as I did) each sheet section usually consist of 5 bolts along one side, and multiplied by each level and again each sheet. So far my rough count read approximately 400 bolts!!! and none seem missing in photos!!
As for the bolts, two options--supplied resin ones to be cut off individually, or plastic hexagon rods for the modeler to cut off into individuals. Resin parts of that size are pretty easy and quick to glue on using liquid cement to first position, then a touch of superglue to ensure they stay there.
I would like to know what you fellows think.....especially the willingness of adding those 500 or so something bolts yourself. Any comments are welcome. (even if it's : "shut up and finish your AAVP already!")
Please note, I'm a "potential" AM kit producer, so as long as a question of interest pops up, I would like to reply and discuss options and interest, and note it down in my "books".
But for now, this dog has to stop chasing his tail, so back to my Abrams stuff I go...until he gets the itch again...

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