Seems like I've gotten kinda stuck here in the dark zone. Haven't quite got the inspiration to build a car model after being done with the StuG IV.
So I decided to do some more armor, this time the choice fell on a subject from the "good guys", a Sherman M4A3 105mm HVSS from Dragon. I haven't got a clue when it comes to Shermans, like I didn't have with the StuG IV either, but I'm gonna give it a shot anyway, I've always liked this tank.

Started searching the web for some refs and found quite a bit, so I guess I'll pull this one off.
The progress so far are the bogies, idlers and drive sprockets. The bogies in this kit were kind of a kit themselves consisting of 28 parts per bogie. Kinda pita to put togheter but I think they turned out allright.

Nice cast numbers on'em too.

When checking some refs I found that the road wheels lacked the grease nipple. So I drilled a hole in each of the wheels inside the nipple housing, which was present, and added a tiny piece of brass wire to simulate the nipple. I actually dunno why I bothered doing this on 24(!) road wheels

Here's everything so far, with the wheels sprayed in a rubber color ready to be mounted after the O.D. color is sprayed sometime in the (near) future.

Got some more weld seams applied to the front and rear. Made a bit more texture to the upper hull with some Mr. Surfacer 500, great stuff btw.. I also got some PE and tools mounted.

Small detail on the rear lamp here too.

I had to move the gun travel lock fasteners a bit down due to the fact that they were molded to high up for an M4A3 105mm

PE weld under the lifting eye.

Some tools...

This thing was kinda tricky to put togheter, because it is supposed to be movable. I had to make sort of a split rivet out of brass to make it work. But I got it togheter and it moves.
I also found out that the Sherman's got loads of tie downs, this unit alone has 8 of them, and they're really tiny and a p.i.t.a. to mount.

This is the underside of the stowage shelf with the gun cleaning rods.

Feedback are always welcome...